Italy Today : Facing the Challenges of the New Millennium Revised Edition

Edition: Revised
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2008-01-01
Publisher(s): Peter Lang Pub Inc
List Price: $56.95

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Italy Today is a concise narrative of the nation's stunning transformation from the ashes of World War II to the leading economic and cultural power it is today. This book provides insights into the dynamics of Italy's progression from the Second W

Author Biography

Mario B. Mignone is State University of New York Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Founder and Director of the Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University.

Table of Contents

Profile of the Nationp. 1
Introduction: Italiansp. 13
Politics and Government
Political and Social Foundationsp. 31
Decisive Turning Points and Constitutional Transformationp. 61
Dangers to the Statep. 85
U.S.-Italian Relationsp. 107
Economic and Social Transformation
The Economic Recoveryp. 131
Industrial Change and Social Transformationp. 157
The Two Italies and the Southern Questionp. 181
Emigration, Migration, Immigration, and Social Transformationp. 207
Democratizing the Education System: Reforming an Education System That was Only for an Elitep. 235
Secularization of State and Society: The Catholic Church: The End of Its Hegemony Within Italian Societyp. 263
Family: Tradition and Changep. 293
Women and Gender Relationsp. 319
Communications and Cultural Changes
Cultural Modernization: Changes and Conflictsp. 347
Communications Revolution and Cultural Consumptionp. 373
A More Open Societyp. 403
Conclusion: A Country in Search of Equilibriump. 427
Bibliographyp. 435
Indexp. 441
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.

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