Keys to Success Building Analytical, Creative and Practical Skills, Brief Edition Plus NEW MyStudentSuccessLab Update -- Access Card Package

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Edition: 6th
Format: Package
Pub. Date: 2013-08-04
Publisher(s): Prentice Hall
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List Price: $79.07

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Keys to Success Brief  unlocks every student's potential to succeed in college, career, and life by challenging them to realize, "It’s not just what you know…it’s what you know how to do."   


Students will develop their goal-setting abilities by personalizing “best practice” tools and strategies for all topics covered. Keys’  focuses on building analytical, creative, and practical thinking skills. This “thinking skills” framework challenges students of all levels to question, evaluate, innovate, relate, and follow through - which is critical in class AND highly valued in a competitive 21st century workplace where one must maximize strengths and bolster weaknesses. When students build the skills that will help them get where they want to go in college and beyond, they will be more motivated to retain and APPLY what they learn.  Revision highlights include Social Media integration, 21st Century Skills coverage, stronger memory and learning coverage, updated financial literacy material, and much more.


0321944119 / 9780321944115 Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative and Practical Skills, Brief Edition Plus NEW MyStudentSuccessLab 2013 Update -- Access Card

Package consists of:

0321943252 / 9780321943255 NEW MyStudentSuccessLab 2013 Update -- Value Pack Access Card

0137073550 / 9780137073559 Keys to Success: Building Analytical, Creative and Practical Skills, Brief Edition

Author Biography

Carol Carter was a C student in high school. During her senior year, she got a wake-up call when her brother told her that she had intelligence, but she wouldn’t go far in life unless she believed in herself enough to work hard. She began college knowing she was “behind the eight ball” in terms of her skills. What she lacked in experience, she made up for with elbow grease and persistence. She maximized her strength as an interpersonal and intrapersonal learner. The work paid off and she graduated college with honors and a desire to help other students.

            Carol is committed to helping students turn on their brains, get motivated, and discover their abilities. As President of her own company, LifeBound, she teaches study, interpersonal, and career skills to middle school and high school students in order to help them become competitive in today’s global world. She trains and certifies coaches in academic coaching skills, and focuses on at-risk students with her volunteer teaching at the federal prison and her LifeBound work in the Denver housing projects. “All students are at-risk for something whether it is academic, emotional, social, or economic,” says Carol. “If each of us is allowed to be human and accept our flaws, we can overcome our limitations and be the best for ourselves and others.” 

            Carol also speaks on educational topics nationally and internationally, and is pictured here with some students at the Aziza Schoolhouse in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  Her first book, Majoring in the Rest of Your Life, launched her writing career and opened the door to her work on the Keys to Success series.


Joyce Bishop has taught college students for more than 22 years.  After struggling with a learning disability as a student, she focused on her visual and logical-mathematical learning abilities and went on to earn a PhD in psychology. Right now, she is in her dream job as staff development coordinator at Golden West College while still teaching three classes.  She enjoys training other faculty in effective teaching and learning strategies and also in how to teach online.  For 5 years Joyce was voted “favorite teacher,” she was Teacher of the Year for 1995 and 2000, and in 2008 received the Hayward Award, a state teaching award.

Joyce co-founded a program 19 years ago for poor young women from abusive backgrounds. Since that time, the Pathways to Independence nonprofit foundation has sent 255 young women to college, and 195 have graduated into gainful employment.  For these young women coming from challenging backgrounds such as prison, extreme poverty, abuse, or psychological disorders, Joyce has been their champion. This photo is of Joyce with one of the Pathways graduates, Valerie, who obtained her degree in nursing and is now working at a major university hospital as a pediatric nurse.  “It is so inspiring to see what these young women do with their lives,” says Joyce, “once they know that they can do anything.”


Sarah Lyman Kravits lives the strategies for success she writes about. As an author and mother of three children ages 11, 9, and 5, she faces the challenges of managing time and fulfilling responsibilities (not to mention eating right and getting enough sleep).  In her writing and research, she works to stay creative and keep up with technology and the growth of knowledge.  In her work with colleagues all over the country, she strives for integrity, effective communication, productive teamwork, and flexibility. Finally, in her current role as a breast cancer patient, she uses goal achievement and stress management strategies every day to get through a host of new and unexpected challenges.           

            Unlike Carol and Joyce, Sarah thrived in school from an early age based on her strength in verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical learning. A few years after graduating from the University of Virginia as a Jefferson Scholar, she worked as program director for LifeSkills, Inc., a nonprofit organization that aims to further the career and personal development of high school students.  This work led her into co-authoring her first student success text and the realization she was driven to empower students to reach their goals.  “Lifelong learning is the essential success skill,” says Sarah. “Learning gives you a chance to go beyond just thinking about your dreams so that you can make them happen.” 


Table of Contents

Quick Start to College: Helpful Information and Advice as You Begin



1. Welcome to College: Growing Toward Success


2. Values, Goals, and Time: Managing Yourself


3. Diversity and Communication: How You Learn and Communicate 


4. Critical, Creative, and Practical Thinking: Solving Problems and Making Decisions


5. Reading and Information Literacy: Learning from Print and Online Materials


6. Listening and Note Taking Taking In, Recording, and Remembering Information


7. Memory and Studying: Retaining What You Know


8. Test Taking: Showing What You Know


9. Wellness, Money, and Careers: Building a Successful Future


Appendix: Social Networking and Media


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