Kosova Express

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2005-03-30
Publisher(s): Univ of Wisconsin Pr
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List Price: $21.95

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In this unique eyewitness record, James Pettifer gives a startling and evocative portrayal of the terror and fear in Kosova under the Milosevic regime. As a writer for the London Times, he witnessed major events spanning from the emergence of the Kosova Liberation Army in May 1996 to the massive refugee movements of 1998 and 1999. He recorded the ground war between the KLA and the Serbs, the NATO bombing campaign, and subsequent liberation of Kosova. Pettifer offers new insight into hitherto undisclosed links between several European governments and the Milosevic regime. Pettifer outlines the interplay between the reality on the ground and the perceptions promoted by the international media. He graphically describes the region's bleakly harsh yet beautiful landscapes. Kosova Express evokes the nightmare of Milosevic's police state and illustrates the complexities of the lives of foreign correspondents. Copublished with C. Hurst & Co, London Wisconsin edition for sale only in North and South America, U.S. dependencies, and the Philippines.

Author Biography

James Pettifer is professor at the Conflict Studies Research Centre of the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in the United Kingdom. He is also a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and a regular broadcaster and commentator on the Balkan countries on radio and television. Pettifer is the author of The Turkish Labyrinth; Albania: From Anarchy to a Balkan Identity, with Miranda Vickers; and other books.

Table of Contents

Preface ix
Some Important Dates in Kosova History xii
Language and Terminology xiii
Abbreviations and Acronyms xv
Map: Albania, Kosova and Western Macedonia xvii
1. A Wartime Journey 1(42)
2. Days with Arkan 43(24)
3. Interlude, 1994-5 67(18)
4. Arrival of the Kosova Liberation Army 85(36)
5. Development of the War 121(93)
6. Peace and War in Kosova 214(40)
Epilogue 254(3)
Index 257

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