The Lean Entrepreneur How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets

by ; ;
Edition: Original
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2013-02-26
Publisher(s): Wiley
List Price: $37.95

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Deemed a "must-read" by Steve Blank and Eric Ries, The Lean Entrepreneur provides a four-step framework to inventing and building a product that people actually want. The book details lean startup concepts, a step-by-step approach to best practices, and a business model analysis guide. It also includes cases studies, rich graphics, and worksheets and exercises. Regardless of the stage of your business--whether still in concept or well-established and looking for new innovation-- The Lean Entrepreneur teaches readers how to "get out of the building," foster stronger customer relations, test different business model risks, find venture capitalists, and create a customer funnel based on buyers' process.

Author Biography

Brant Cooper helps organizations big and small move the needle. His startup career includes Tumbleweed, Timestamp, WildPackets, inCode, and many others. He has experienced IPO, acquisition, rapid growth, and miserable failure. Brant previously authored The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development, the first purpose-written book to discuss lean startup and customer development concepts, earning a distribution of over 50,000 copies. Brant has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs across the globe and is a sought-after speaker, having presented at leading companies such as Qualcomm, Intuit, Capital One, and Hewlett-Packard. Brant is reachable @brantcooper. He lives with (and continuously learns from) his two daughters, Riva and Eliza, near Swami's in Encinitas, California.

Patrick Vlaskovits is an entrepreneur, author, and consultant, and more than anything wishes he were a polymath. His writing has been featured on the Harvard Business Review blog, the Wall Street Journal blog, and The Browser. Patrick routinely speaks at technology conferences nationally and internationally, including SXSW, GROW Conference, the Turing Festival, and the Lean Startup Conference. He co-founded two startups, currently advises multiple technology startups, and serves as a mentor for 500 Startups, a seed fund and startup accelerator. As a principal at Moves the Needle, he counts Fortune 100 companies in his client list. The Lean Entrepreneur is his second book. The first, The Entrepreneur's Guide to Customer Development, is a required course text for MBA and undergrad at universities such as the University of Chicago Booth School and Berkeley. He has also guest-lectured at Stanford and UCLA. For some unknown reason, Patrick holds a master's in economics from UC Santa Barbara. When he has spare time, he can be found on Orange County beaches with his family. Tweet at him @Pv and read his blog at

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Start-Up Revolution

Big Business Turning to Government for Protection

Increased Militarism

Wealth versus Value

Which is to Say, Disruption Hurts

Black Swans, White Rats, Red Herrings

And Cue The Lean Startup

Lean Startup, Please Meet The Lean Entrepreneur

Chapter 2: Vision, Values & Culture

Vision & Values

Lean Into It: The Lean Start-Up Culture

Product Development



Legal & Accounting

Over the Horizon: A Framework

Work To Do

Chapter 3:  All the Fish in the Sea

Know Your Audience: Why Segmentation Matters

Market Segment

Personas: Create a Fake Customer

Choosing a Market Segment

Hopefully You'll be Right. You Will be Wrong

Work To Do

Chapter 4: Wading in the Value Stream

Value Stream Discovery

Work To Do

Chapter 5: Diving in

Listen to Your Customers – or Not

Believing the Customer

Customer Interaction

Work to Do

Chapter 6: Viability Experiments

The Infamous Landing Page

The Concierge Test

Wizard of Oz Test

Crowdfunding Test


Work to Do

Chapter 7: Actionable Data

New Products

Online Engagement

Offline Engagement

Sharing Product

Customer Demand

Work to Do

Chapter 8: Minimum Viable Business

Minimum Viable Product

An MVP takes guts

Work To Do

Chapter 9: The Funnel


Work To Do

Chapter 10: The Final Word


About the Authors


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