The Little Book of Marijuana Mind-blowing Facts, History, Trivia and Recipes

by Unknown
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2022-10-04
Publisher(s): Spruce
List Price: $9.99

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Everything you could possibly want to know about the world's most popular drug in less than 100 pages!

A great gift for the stoner in your life, this bite-sized book is full of recipes, history, trivia, fun and facts to enjoy, all on the world's most cultivated leaf.

Including anything and everything from 'Weird Science: the five stages of a herbal high', 'The Herb in History: High achievers - famous smokers from around the globe', to 'Know your Blow: 20 great smokes that will blow your mind' 'Mind-bending facts: The a-z of crazy weed names', 'Ganja Games: Blindfolded joint building' and 'Marijuana Munchies' recipes.

Full of fun stuff to keep you amused, it's an enlightening read on weed!

Author Biography

Spruce is known for its innovative design and beautiful books across a range of areas including cookery, biography, mind body spirit and gift books. It has a great reputation for publishing well-defined, distinct series which become backlist classics.

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