Living in the Light Yoga for Self-Realization

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Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2023-01-03
Publisher(s): Harmony
List Price: $24.00

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Deepak Chopra's groundbreaking guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga will help you reach your highest potential and a deeper understanding of self.

In the West, we have adapted asana, meaning pose, to be a reflection of the entire spectrum of Yoga. In truth, it is only one aspect of the Yoga philosophy. Yoga is all-embracing: a personal transformation that reaches beyond any approach to wellness and healing. Yoga defines everyday life as ideal and brings every experience, no matter how small, into the light. Living in the light means living deliberately and consciously, accepting your true self as a being of infinite possibilities, unfettered by false beliefs such as "I don't really matter." 
Deepak's eight-week program mirrors the eight stages of transformation in Yoga: Social Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Body Awareness, Breath of Life, Staying in the Light, The Power of Attention, Transcendence, and Wholeness. In each stage, you'll learn to bring light into every facet of existence. The 50 illustrated yoga poses, created by Deepak's co-author and long-time private Yoga instructor Sarah Platt-Finger, are accessible for all skill levels, from beginner to enthusiast, and will help guide you into a state of total awareness. After journeying through the eight stages of transformation and corresponding yoga poses, you will understand how to reach your source, the true self. 

Author Biography

Deepak Chopra, MD, founder of the Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global, is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a clinical professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego, and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of more than ninety books translated into forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. Time magazine has described Dr. Chopra as "one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century."

Sarah Platt-Finger is the co-founder of ISHTA Yoga, LLC, and the private instructor of Dr. Deepak Chopra. She has shared the elevating tools of ISHTA worldwide through trainings, retreats, and workshops with her husband, Yoga Master Alan Finger. Sarah and Dr. Chopra have collaborated on several projects including “Finding Connection Through Yoga” with Yoga Journal and “Radical Being” with Udemy. She is a featured yoga teacher on the international stage with Chopra Global and on the YouTube channel The Chopra Well. She currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida, with her husband, their daughter Satya, and their two dogs.

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