LooseLeaf Benson's Microbiological Applications Laboratory Manual--Concise Version

by ;
Edition: 14th
Format: Lab Manual
Pub. Date: 2016-09-27
Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill Education
List Price: $81.00

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Table of Contents

Part 1 Microscopy

1 Brightfield Microscopy

2 Darkfield Microscopy

3 Phase-Contrast Microscopy

4 Microscopic Measurements

Part 2 Survey of Microorganisms

5 Microbiology of Pond Water - Protists, Algae, and Cyanobacteria

6 Ubiquity of Bacteria

7 The Fungi: Molds and Yeasts

Part 3 Manipulation of Microorganisms

8 Aseptic Technique

9 Pure Culture Techniques

Part 4 Staining and Observations of Microorganisms

10 Smear Preparation

11 Simple Staining

12 Negative Staining

13 Capsular Staining

14 Gram Staining

15 Spore Staining: Two Methods

16 Acid-Fast Staining: Kinyoun Method

17 Motility Determination

Part 5 Culture Methods

18 Culture Media Preparation

19 Enumeration of Bacteria: The Standard Plate Count

20 Slide Culture: Fungi

Part 6 Bacterial Viruses

21 Determination of a Bacteriophage Titer

22 Isolation of Phage from Flies

23 Phage Typing

Part 7 Environmental Influences and Control of Microbial Growth

24 Effects of Oxygen on Growth

25 Temperature: Effects on Growth

26 pH and Microbial Growth

27 Water Activity and Osmotic Pressure

28 Ultraviolet Light: Lethal Effects

29 The Effects of Lysozyme on Bacterial Cells

30 Evaluation of Alcohol: Its Effectiveness as an Antiseptic

31 Antimicrobic Sensitivity Testing: The Kirby-Bauer Method

32 Evaluation of Antiseptics and Disinfectants: The Filter Paper Disk Method

33 Effectiveness of Hand Scrubbing

Part 8 Identification of Unknown Bacteria

34 Morphological Study of An Unknown Bacterium

35 Cultural Characteristics

36 Physiological Characteristics: Oxidation and Fermentation Stet Reactions

37 Physiological Characteristics: Hydrolytic and Degradative Stet Reactions

38 Physiological Characteristics: Multiple Test Media

39 Use of Bergey’s Manual

Part 9 Miniaturized Multitest Systems

40 Enterobacteriaceae Identification: The API 20E System

41 Enterobacteriaceae Identification: The Entero-Pluri Test

42 Staphylococcus Identification: The API Staph System

Part 10 Applied Microbiology

43 Bacterial Food Counts

44 Bacteriological Examination of Water: Most Probable Number Determination

45 Bacteriological Examination of Water: The Membrane Filter Method

46 Reductase Test

47 Temperature: Lethal Effects

48 Microbial Spoilage of Canned Food

49 Microbiology of Alcohol Fermentation

Part 11 Bacterial Genetics and Biotechnology

50 Polymerase Chain

51 Bacterial Transformation

Part 12 Medical Microbiology

52 The Staphylococci: Isolation and Identification

53 The Streptococci and Enterococci: Isolation and Identification

54 Gram-Negative Intestinal Pathogens

55 A Synthetic Epidemic

Part 13 Immunology and Serology

56 Slide Agglutination Test: Serological Typing

57 Slide Agglutination Test for S. aureus

58 Slide Agglutination Test for Streptococcus

59 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

60 Blood Grouping

Appendix A Tables

Appendix B Indicators, Stains, Reagents

Appendix C Media

Appendix D Identification Charts

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