
Edition: Reprint
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-05-13
Publisher(s): HarperCollins Publications
List Price: $6.99

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Customer Reviews

Awesome Loser!  July 25, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

Loser is one of the greatest textbooks out there. I liked this textbook because it had lots of humor. The story (Loser) is about a kid named Donald Zinkoff. Loser shows that Zinkoff can't run. So when Zinkoff runs the events, and he loses a lot of them, the other classmates call him a loser. It has several different lessons to be learned. I think this textbook is brilliant. I hope if you read this textbook, you will like it too.

Loser: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


Just like other kids, Zinkoff rides his bike, hopes for snow days, and wants to be like his dad when he grows up. But Zinkoff also raises his hand with all the wrong answers, trips over his own feet, and falls down with laughter over a word like "Jabip."

Other kids have their own word to describe him, but Zinkoff is too busy to hear it. He doesn't know he's not like everyone else. And one winter night, Zinkoff's differences show that any name can someday become "hero."

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