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The mutual love affair between people and their place is one of the most powerful influences in our lives, yet rarely thought of in terms of a relationship. As cities begin thinking of themselves as engaged in a relationship with their citizens, and citizens begin to consider their emotional connections with their places, we open up new possibilities in community, social and economic development by including the most powerful of motivators#xE2;#xAC;#x1D;the human heart#xE2;#xAC;#x1D;in our toolkit of city-making.The book explores what makes cities lovable, what motivates ordinary citizens to do extraordinary things for their places and how some cities, such as New Orleans, Detroit, and Cleveland are using that energy to fill in the gaps that #xE2;#xAC;Sofficial#xE2;#xAC; city makers have left as resources have disappeared. Meet those amazing people who are truly #xE2;#xAC;Sin love#xE2;#xAC; with their cities and learn how they are key to the future development of our communities.
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