Low-Water Landscaping For Dummies

Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2023-01-25
Publisher(s): For Dummies
List Price: $24.99

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Say goodbye to water-guzzling lawns and create beautiful, landscape designs

Low-Water Landscaping For Dummies will teach you to preserve one of our most critical natural resources while simultaneously maximizing your curb appeal. Ditch wasteful, inefficient irrigation methods like sprinkler systems and learn how to embrace designs that save water. This book guides you through different styles of landscaping, introduces you to uniquely drought-tolerant plants, and provides solutions for even the trickiest terrains. You can break the cycle of constant watering, without sacrificing the relaxing atmosphere and aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space. Learn how it’s possible to have vibrant, unique, gorgeous landscapes that incorporate grasses, perennials, shrubs, trees, groundcovers, and succulents without wasting hundreds of gallons of water each day. Packed with useful tips, achievable plans, and easy-to-understand instructions, Low-Water Landscaping For Dummies is the only resource eco-conscious gardeners need to design, plant, and enjoy the landscape of their dreams.

  • Design a landscape that fits your space and budget
  • Discover beautiful, drought-tolerant plants
  • Get regional tips to ensure success
  • Troubleshoot common gardening problems

If you want to protect the environment, save money on water bills, and learn more about drought-tolerant plants, this is the friendly Dummies guide for you.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Part 1: Getting Started with Low-Water Landscaping 5

Chapter 1: Lacking Water? No Problem 7

Chapter 2: Conserving and Harvesting Water 21

Chapter 3: Waste Not, Want Not: Watering Strategically 41

Chapter 4: Making Soil Your Ally 61

Chapter 5: Watering with Irrigation Systems 83

Part 2: Making Smart Plant Choices 101

Chapter 6: Choosing Flowers 103

Chapter 7: Selecting Succulents 121

Chapter 8: In It for the Long Haul: Shrubs, Vines, and Trees 139

Chapter 9: Raising Edible Foods 157

Chapter 10: Planting and Caring for Low-Water Plants 175

Part 3: Leaving Your Lawn Behind 203

Chapter 11: Taking Out a Lawn 205

Chapter 12: Replacing Grass with Low-Water Solutions 221

Chapter 13: Considering Artificial Turf 241

Chapter 14: Pondering Rock Gardening 249

Part 4: Landscaping with Watering Needs in Mind 263

Chapter 15: Appreciating Mulch and Other Helpful Products 265

Chapter 16: Keeping Water in Your Yard 283

Chapter 17: Succeeding with Potted Plants 297

Chapter 18: Including Water Features in Your Landscape 307

Chapter 19: Updating Xeriscaping for Today’s Low-Water Landscapes 317

Part 5: The Parts of Tens 325

Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Avoid Wasting Landscape Water 327

Chapter 21: Ten Great-Looking, Low-Water Plants 333

Index 341

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