Make Your Own Terrarium Kit Mini Gardens You Can Create at Home – Includes: Acrylic Vessel, Decorative Pebbles, Moss Stone, Fine Sand, Long-Handled Tweezers, Project Book

by Unknown
Format: Package
Pub. Date: 2023-04-25
Publisher(s): Chartwell Books
List Price: $29.99

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Create your own enchanting miniature ecosystem with the instruction and materials in this DIY terrarium kit—just add plants and your own creativity!

Maybe you’ve seen terrariums line the shelves of your favorite shop, their uniquely shaped jars showcasing a variety of plants. They look so lovely—and with good reason: building a terrarium is so much more than just plunking a few plants into a jar; it is actually designing a modern indoor garden under glass. And with Make Your Own Terrarium Kit, you can partake in this wonderful world of creating a natural, enclosed landscape.

Bring a bit of nature into your life with this kit, which includes:

  • 64-page illustrated project book with all the terrarium basics, including how to pick the best plants to buy
  • Acrylic vessel that’s perfect for air plants, cacti, and succulents—and won’t break!
  • Moss stone to add visual interest
  • Decorative pebbles
  • Fine decorative sand
  • Long-handled tweezers to help you place your objects just right

The beautiful thing about terrariums—aside from their appearance—is that they’re relatively maintenance free. With step-by-step project instructions for building five unique terrariums, the project book shows how to pick the best container for your miniature landscape, fill it with the proper plants, and add decorative elements to make it your own. Though each terrarium project is as individual as you are, you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to build terrariums for:

  • Easy-care rosette succulents
  • Wonderfully versatile air plants
  • Miniature tropical plants and fairy garden plants
  • Carnivorous plants (or are they pets?)
  • Plus additional inspiration for creating different terrarium environments

Combining nature, gardening, and interior design, creating and keeping a terrarium is inspirational and therapeutic. Once you know the basics, you can mix and match for an endless variety of easy and affordable projects. The best part is you don’t have to be a plant expert to create fun, living landscapes. All you need is your imagination, some plants—and this kit!

Author Biography

Publishing and supplying books to wholesalers, mail order companies, and retail stores for over 60 years, Chartwell Books publishes across a wide range of subjects, including history, craft, home reference, puzzles and games, music and music instruction, art instruction, transportation, and more.

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