Making Of A Poem

Edition: Reprint
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2001-04-17
Publisher(s): W W NORTON & CO
List Price: $20.21

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Two beloved and esteemed poets have collaborated on this intimate and useful anthology illuminating the history, practice, and wonder of our most elusive art. Intended for all those who love poetry, including teachers, readers, writers, and students, The Making of a Poem will be especially valued by those who feel that an understanding of form'”sonnet, ballad, villanelle, sestina, etc.'”would enhance their appreciation of poetry, but are daunted by the terms, the names, and the histories of various poetic forms. This anthology draws the reader in, by example and explanation, to the excitement and entertainment of these forms. It explains their origins, traces their development, and shows examples from the past and present. In a feature called "The form at a glance" the reader can try his or her own hand writing a particular form. Included are essays by each of the editors describing their own personal journeys toward a form for their poetic voice. Above all, this anthology shows that poetic form is a continuing adventure. Contemporary poets can be seen here trying out the same forms that poets used hundreds of years ago, but in the new circumstances of a complicated modern world. In this way poetic form is illustrated not as a series of rules, but as a passionate conversation in which every reader of poetry can become involved. "A marvelous new anthology."'” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Author Biography

Mark Strand's collection Blizzard of One was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. Eavan Boland is professor of English at Stanford University

Table of Contents

Introductory Statementp. xiii
On Becoming a Poetp. xvii
Poetic Form: A Personal Encounterp. xxv
Acknowledgmentsp. xxxi
Verse Forms
Overviewp. 3
The Villanelle
The Villanelle at a Glancep. 5
The History of the Formp. 6
The Contemporary Contextp. 8
Villanelle of His Lady's Treasuresp. 9
The House on the Hillp. 9
Missing Datesp. 10
The Wakingp. 11
One Artp. 11
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Nightp. 12
The World and the Childp. 13
Condemned Sitep. 13
By the Soundp. 14
Saturday at the Borderp. 15
Under the Hillp. 16
Villanellep. 16
Reading Schemep. 17
Villanelle for the Middle of the Nightp. 18
Close-Up of a Villanelle: "One Art"p. 19
The Sestina
The Sestina at a Glancep. 21
The History of the Formp. 22
The Contemporary Contextp. 24
Ye wastefull woodes, bear witness of my woep. 25
from Old Arcadiap. 26
Sestine 4 from Parthenophil and Parthenophep. 27
Sestina: Of the Lady Pietra degli Scrovignip. 29
Sestinap. 30
Sestinap. 32
Sestina of the Tramp-Royalp. 33
Sestina: Altafortep. 34
After the Trialp. 36
The Book of Yolekp. 37
The Shrinking Lonesome Sestinap. 38
Nanip. 39
Close-Up of a Sestina: "Sestina: Altaforte"p. 41
The Pantoum
The Pantoum at a Glancep. 43
The History of the Formp. 44
The Contemporary Contextp. 45
In Townp. 45
Pantoum of the Great Depressionp. 47
Parents' Pantoump. 48
Pantoump. 49
Grandmother's Songp. 50
The Methodp. 51
Close-Up of a Pantoum: "Pantoum of the Great Depression"p. 53
The Sonnet
The Sonnet at a Glancep. 55
The History of the Formp. 56
The Contemporary Contextp. 58
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?p. 59
Farewell to Lovep. 59
from Pamphilia to Amphilanthusp. 60
Sonnet XXIII: Methought I saw my late espoused saintp. 60
Holy Sonnet: At the round earth's imagined cornersp. 61
Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802p. 61
Ozymandiasp. 62
Bright Starp. 62
from Monna Innominatap. 63
from Sonnets from the Portuguese (XLIII)p. 63
Carrion Comfortp. 64
What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and whyp. 64
From the Dark Towerp. 65
Epicp. 65
from "Tulips and Chimneys"p. 66
To My Motherp. 66
After the Bomb Testsp. 67
A Game of Chessp. 67
The Haw Lanternp. 68
Heatp. 68
The Roman Baths at Nimesp. 69
Half a Double Sonnetp. 69
Sonnetp. 70
Close-Up of a Sonnet: "What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why"p. 71
The Ballad
The Ballad at a Glancep. 73
The History of the Formp. 74
The Contemporary Contextp. 77
The Cherry-tree Carolp. 78
Sir Patrick Spensp. 79
The Wife of Usher's Wellp. 81
My Boy Williep. 82
The Changelingp. 83
from The Ballad of Reading Gaolp. 86
Peter and Johnp. 88
Bagpipe Musicp. 90
Death in Leamingtonp. 91
The Tale of Custard the Dragonp. 92
We Real Coolp. 94
Riverbank Bluesp. 94
Ballad of John Cable and Three Gentlemenp. 95
Close-Up of a Ballad: "We Real Cool"p. 99
Blank Verse
Blank Verse at a Glancep. 101
The History of the Formp. 102
The Contemporary Contextp. 104
from his translation of The Aeneidp. 105
from Tamburlaine the Greatp. 105
from Julius Caesarp. 106
from Paradise Lostp. 107
from Beachy Headp. 108
from The Preludep. 109
Ulyssesp. 110
Rainp. 112
Directivep. 113
Lyingp. 114
Stanzas in Bloomsburyp. 117
Close-Up of Blank Verse: "Directive"p. 119
The Heroic Couplet
The Heroic Couplet at a Glancep. 121
The History of the Formp. 122
from The Description of Cooke-hamp. 123
The Author to Her Bookp. 123
A Letter to Daphnis, April 2, 1685p. 124
from Absalom and Achitophelp. 125
from The Vanity of Human Wishesp. 126
To S. M., a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Worksp. 127
from The Deserted Villagep. 128
from An Essay on Criticismp. 129
My Last Duchessp. 130
Strange Meetingp. 132
The J Carp. 133
Close-Up of the Heroic Couplet: "My Last Duchess"p. 135
The Stanza
The Stanza at a Glancep. 136
The History of the Formp. 137
The Contemporary Contextp. 139
from Troilus and Criseydep. 140
from The Faerie Queenep. 141
They Flee from Mep. 142
Easter Wingsp. 143
The Tygerp. 143
So We'll Go No More A-Rovingp. 144
I died for Beauty--but was scarcep. 145
The Convergence of the Twainp. 145
The Song of the Mad Princep. 146
A Quoi Bon Direp. 147
Song of the Sonp. 147
The Tropics in New Yorkp. 148
Night Song at Amalfip. 149
Not Waving but Drowningp. 149
On Teaching the Youngp. 149
Those Winter Sundaysp. 150
Yesp. 150
Warming Her Pearlsp. 151
Epithp. 152
Close-Up of a Stanza: "I died for Beauty--but was scarce"p. 154
Meter at a Glancep. 159
A Brief Checklist of Further Reading on Meterp. 161
Shaping Forms
Overviewp. 165
The Elegy
Overviewp. 167
Lament for the Makarisp. 168
If Ever Hapless Woman Had a Causep. 171
On My First Sonp. 172
Epitaph. On her Son H.P. at St. Syth's Church where her body also lies Interredp. 172
Lycidasp. 173
Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House July 10th, 1666. Copied out of a Loose Paperp. 178
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyardp. 180
R. Alcona to J. Brenzaidap. 184
O Captain! My Captain!p. 185
Dover Beachp. 185
To His Lovep. 187
Bells for John Whiteside's Daughterp. 187
Tears in Sleepp. 188
In Memory of W. B. Yeatsp. 188
from The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucketp. 191
Dream Song 324p. 194
To the Deadp. 194
In Memoriam Paul Celanp. 196
The Legendp. 197
The Elegy for New Yorkp. 198
Tiarap. 199
Supernatural Lovep. 200
Mirror in Februaryp. 202
Irisp. 203
Child Burialp. 204
Songp. 205
The Pastoral
Overviewp. 207
The Passionate Shepherd to His Lovep. 209
from Love's Labor's Lostp. 210
The Gardenp. 210
To My Sisterp. 213
Ode on a Grecian Urnp. 214
Loveliest of Treesp. 215
The Wife of Llewp. 216
Urban Pastoralp. 216
Remembered Morningp. 217
The Thought-Foxp. 217
The Explosionp. 218
Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesotap. 219
Midsummer, Tobagop. 220
The Bearp. 220
Fogp. 223
Let Evening Comep. 224
Smokep. 224
Meditation at Lagunitasp. 226
From the Porchp. 227
A Walrus Tusk from Alaskap. 227
Looking West from Laguna Beach at Nightp. 228
The Broad Bean Sermonp. 229
Of the Finished Worldp. 230
Tornadosp. 231
Lossp. 232
Waiting for the Stormp. 233
An Engraving of Blakep. 233
Pygmalion's Imagep. 233
Mock Orangep. 234
The Black Walnut Treep. 235
Gatepostsp. 236
Heart of the Matterp. 236
Shoeing the Currachp. 238
The Ode
Overviewp. 240
Ode to the West Windp. 241
To Autumnp. 243
Odep. 244
The Fire of Driftwoodp. 245
from The Bridgep. 247
The Paper Nautilusp. 248
Australia 1970p. 249
Miracle Glass Co.p. 250
The Blue Swallowsp. 250
Americap. 252
Ode to Meaningp. 252
Perhaps the World Ends Herep. 254
Open Forms
Overviewp. 259
The Circus Animals' Desertionp. 260
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrockp. 262
I, Toop. 266
The Idea of Order at Key Westp. 266
Spring and Allp. 268
Americap. 269
Ave Mariap. 272
Uncertain Oneiromancyp. 273
Daddyp. 274
Diving into the Wreckp. 276
Movep. 279
The Language of the Bragp. 280
The Colonelp. 281
The German Army, Russia, 1943p. 282
Starlight Scope Myopiap. 282
Reading Platop. 284
Close-Up of Open Forms: "Diving into the Wreck"p. 287
A Brief Glossaryp. 289
Biographies and Further Readingp. 293
Suggested Readingp. 335
Creditsp. 337
General Indexp. 349
Index of Authors, Titles, and First Linesp. 357
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.

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