Mapping United States History A Coloring and Exercise Book, Volume One: To 1877

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Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2018-10-30
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $37.32

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Designed specifically to accompany Of the People: A History of the United States, Fourth Edition, Mapping United States History offers both thirty full-color reference maps and eighty outline maps with exercises, providing students opportunities to strengthen their geography and spatial-learning skills. The reference maps in the first half of the workbook provide students with support tools to better understand the movement of people and ideas in United States history, while the outline maps in the second half of the workbook provides exercises to deepen an understanding of the connection betwen geography and historical change.

Author Biography

Michael McGerr is Paul V. McNutt Professor of History at Indiana University-Bloomington.

Jan Ellen Lewis is Professor of History and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University-Newark.

James Oakes is Distinguished Professor of History and Graduate School Humanities Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center.

Nick Cullather is Professor of History and International Studies at Indiana University-Bloomington.

Jeanne Boydston was Robinson-Edwards Professor of American History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Mark Summers is Thomas D. Clark Professor of History at the University of Kentucky.

Camilla Townsend is Professor of History at Rutgers University.

Karen M. Dunak is Associate Professor of History at Muskingum University.

Table of Contents


Reference Maps

Colonization of the Americas
Hunter-Gatherers and Early Farmers in North America from 8000 BCE
Native American Peoples c. 1500
Movements of Native American Peoples 14th to 18th Centuries
The Pueblo Peoples
Moundbuilders of the Mississippi
Voyages of Exploration 1485-1600
Exploration of the Caribbean 1492-1550
Exploration of Central America and Southern North America 1519-50
Cortés's Expedition to Tenochtitlan
Mexico, Central America, and the Eastern Caribbean 1520-1750
Administrative Divisions of Spanish North America 1780
Colonization of the North American Mainland to 1750
Colonization of the Caribbean 1625-1763
The Seven Years War 1756-63
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Slave Economies of the Western Hemisphere
European Empires and Trade
The Colonial Economy c. 1770
British North America 1763-75
The American War of Independence 1775-83
Stages of Settlement
Territorial Expansion from 1783
Routes of Exploration and Settlement
Treatment of Native Americans
The Slave Population and Cotton Production
The Legal Position of Slavery in 1861
The Civil War
Railroads and Canals 1860
Industrial Development 1890

Outline Maps

Find Your Place in the World
Major Cultural Areas of North America, c. 1500
The Old World, c. 1492
Columbus's Voyage
The Columbian Exchange
The Spanish and French Invade North America, 1519-1565
New Spain, the Southwest, and Southeast, 1565-1610
The Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, c. 1580-1626
New England, 1635-1675
The Atlantic Slave Trade
The Caribbean
Colonial Settlements in Eastern North America, 1710
The West, c. 1650 to c. 1750
The Southeast, c. 1700-1730
The Economy of British North America, 1750-1775
Race and Ethnicity in British North America, 1775
North Atlantic Trade, c. 1750
The French and Indian War (Seven Year's War), 1754-1763
North America in 1763
The Revolutionary War, 1775-1778
The Revolutionary War, 1779-1783
North America after the Treaty of Paris, 1783
The Northwest Ordinance
Exploration and Expansion in North America, 1803-1810
The War of 1812
African Americans as a Total Percentage of Population, 1800
Transportation Times and the Development of Roads and Canals, 1800 and 1830
The Antebellum Slave Economy
Indian Removals, 1830s
Overland Trails
The Mexican War
The Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Railroad Expansion, 1850-1860
The Underground Railroad
The Secession of the Southern States
Major Battles and Campaigns of the Civil War, 1861-62
Major Battles and Campaigns of the Civil War, 1863
Major Battles and Campaigns of the Civil War, 1864-65
Military Districts Established by the Reconstruction Acts, 1867
Sharecropping, c. 1880

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