Designed specifically to accompany Of the People: A History of the United States, Fourth Edition, Mapping United States History offers both thirty full-color reference maps and eighty outline maps with exercises, providing students opportunities to strengthen their geography and spatial-learning skills. The reference maps in the first half of the workbook provide students with support tools to better understand the movement of people and ideas in United States history, while the outline maps in the second half of the workbook provides exercises to deepen an understanding of the connection betwen geography and historical change.

Mapping United States History A Coloring and Exercise Book, Volume Two: Since 1865
by McGerr, Michael; Lewis, Jan Ellen; Oakes, James; Cullather, Nick; Summers, Mark; Townsend, Camilla; Dunak, Karen M.Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2018-10-26
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $37.32
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Author Biography
Michael McGerr is Paul V. McNutt Professor of History at Indiana University-Bloomington.
Jan Ellen Lewis is Professor of History and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University-Newark.
James Oakes is Distinguished Professor of History and Graduate School Humanities Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center.
Nick Cullather is Professor of History and International Studies at Indiana University-Bloomington.
Jeanne Boydston was Robinson-Edwards Professor of American History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Mark Summers is Thomas D. Clark Professor of History at the University of Kentucky.
Camilla Townsend is Professor of History at Rutgers University.
Karen M. Dunak is Associate Professor of History at Muskingum University.
Table of Contents
Reference Maps
Population and Urbanization 1900
Major Population Movements 1500-1914
Westward Expansion 1835-1890
US Influence in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean 1898-1933
Share of World Manufacturing Output in 1900
International Investment 1914
World War I in Europe and the Middle East 1914-1918
The Peace of Paris in Central and Eastern Europe 1920
The Great Depression
Countries on the Gold Standard 1929-34
The Expansion of Nazi Germany 1933-1939
World War II in Europe, North Africa, and the Soviet Union 1939-1945
World War II in the Pacific 1937-1945
Regional Alliances 1948-1955
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Decolonization in Africa and Asia
Civil Rights Demonstrations 1955-1968
Urban Riots in the United States 1965-1970
The Korean War 1950-53
The Vietnam War
OPEC, Oil, and Geopolitics 1973
Equal Rights Amendment Vote by State 1972-78
The United States as "Globocop" 1979-2014
The Three Bloc International Economy in the Early 1990s
Women Elected to Congress 1937-2009
Women in Employment 1990s
Post-Cold War Eastern Europe and Central Asia
The Breakup of Yugoslavia
The Richest 20 Countries 1950 / 1970 / 1990 / 2010
Conflict in West and Central Asia 2001-2017
Drug Trafficking Routes from Latin America to the United States 2018
A New Global Age
The Global Environment of the Early Twenty-First Century
Outline Maps
Find Your Place in the World
Military Districts Established by the Reconstruction Acts, 1867
Sharecropping, c. 1880
Travel Times by Railroad in 1870
Conflict and Resistance in the American West, 1860-1890
Distribution of Major American Industries, ca. 1890
Global Migrations, 1840-1900
Percentage of Population Foreign Born in 1880 and Largest Cities in 1900
The United States in Latin America, 1898-1934
The Growth of National Parks, 1872-1920
Women's Suffrage Around the World
World War I
Europe after the Treaty of Versailles, 1919
The Great Migration, 1910-1940
The Dust Bowl, 1933-1940
World War II in the Pacific, 1942-1945
World War II in Europe, 1942-1945
The Division of Postwar Europe
The Korean War, 1950-1953
The Growth of the Sunbelt and the Interstate Highway System
The Struggle for Civil Rights
Race Riots, 1965-1968
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
The Vietnam War
Manufacturing Jobs and Population Change, 1970-1980
The Oil Crisis of 1973
Women's Rights in the 1970s and 1980s
Evangelical Christianity and the Moral Majority
The Late Cold War and the Collapse of the Soviet Union
US Military Involvement in the Middle East since 2001
Aging America / Uninsured America
Multicultural America
Rich and Poor in America
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