Medical Spanish SparkCharts

Format: Paper Chart
Pub. Date: 2014-02-04
Publisher(s): Ecampus Direct
List Price: $9.32

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The information you need-concisely, conveniently, and accurately.
Created by Harvard students for students everywhere, these study companions and reference tools cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects, from Business and Computer Programming to Medicine, Law, and Languages. They'll give you what it takes to find success in school and beyond. Outlines and summaries cover key points, while diagrams and tables make difficult concepts easier to grasp.

This six-page chart includes a general guide to pronunciation and more than 1,000 Spanish vocabulary words and phrases in the following categories:

  • Basic parts of the body
  • Adjectives
  • Essential words
  • Skeletal system
  • Muscular system
  • Digestive system
  • Respiratory system
  • The heart
  • Reproductive system
  • Urinary system
  • The eye, ear, and skin
  • In the examining room
  • Diseases and conditions
  • Tests and procedures
  • At the hospital
  • Medical equipment
  • Useful verbs

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