Metal Fabrication Technology for Agriculture

Edition: 2nd
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2010-01-19
Publisher(s): Cengage Learning
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METAL FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR AGRICULTURE, 2E provides you with an easy-to-understand, safety-conscious introduction to agricultural welding processes and techniques. Each section of this full-color book begins by introducing you to equipment and materials used in agricultural welding and includes complete setup instructions. The subsequent chapters in each section allow users to learn individual welding techniques in various applications and positions. METAL FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR AGRICULTURE, 2E provides extensive coverage of brazing and specialized nonmetallic fabrication, designed to lead you step-by-step in developing the skills necessary for welding all types of agricultural machinery. Each chapter includes close up shots of actual welds and learning aids that have been proven to be effective, making this how-to and reference manual a key resource for people participating in agriculture education programs throughout the country.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Agricultural Welding and Fabrication
Safety in Welding and Fabrication
Oxyfuel Welding and Cutting Equipment, Setup, and Operation
Oxyacetylene Welding
Soldering and Brazing
Oxyacetylene Cutting
Plasma Arc Cutting
Shielded Metal Arc Equipment, Setup, and Operations
Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate
Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Pipe
Gas Metal Arc Welding Equipment, Setup, and Operation
Gas Metal Arc Welding
Flux Cored Arc Welding Equipment, Setup, and Operation
Flux Cored Arc Welding
Filler Metal Selection
Weldability of Metals
Welding Joint Design, Welding Symbols, and Fabrication
Plastic and Other Nonmetallic Fabrication Techniques
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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