
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-05-03
Publisher(s): Ingram Pub Services
List Price: $33.55

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Customer Reviews

Migra!  July 14, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

This is the untold history of the United States Border Patrol from its beginnings in 1924 as a small peripheral outfit to its emergence as a large professional police force. The textbook is easy to read but filled with documentation and historical evidence. If you had to choose one textbook as a starting place for an intelligent discussion about immigration issues, you would do well to begin with Migra! This product came super-fast and in the exact condition that was described online! Would definitely buy from them again!

Migra!: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


This is the untold history of the United States Border Patrol from its beginnings in 1924 as a small peripheral outfit to its emergence as a large professional police force. To tell this story, Kelly Lytle Hernández dug through a gold mine of lost and unseen records stored in garages, closets, an abandoned factory, and in U.S. and Mexican archives.

Focusing on the daily challenges of policing the borderlands and bringing to light unexpected partners and forgotten dynamics, Migra! reveals how the U.S. Border Patrol translated the mandate for comprehensive migration control into a project of policing Mexicans in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.

"If you had to choose one book as a starting place for an intelligent discussion about immigration issues, you would do well to begin with Migra! by UCLA assistant professor of history Kelly Lytle Hernandez. It is surprisingly complex and nuanced."-Tucson Weekly

"A Useful resource for any scholar seeking to understand the complex dynamics of race, migration, and law in the twentieth century."-Law & History Review

Author Biography

Kelly Lytle Hernndez is Assistant Professor in the Department of History and Associate Director of the Chicano Studies Research Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrationsp. xi
Acknowledgmentsp. xiii
Map of the U.S.-Mexico Border Regionp. xvi
Introductionp. 1
Formationp. 17
The Early Yearsp. 19
A Sanctuary of Violencep. 45
The California-Arizona Borderlandsp. 70
Mexico's Labor Emigrants, America's Illegal Immigrantsp. 83
Transformationp. 101
A New Beginningp. 103
The Corridors of Migration Controlp. 125
Uprising: A Farmers' Rebellionp. 151
Operation Wetback and Beyondp. 169
The Triumphs of '54p. 171
“The Day of the Wetback Is Over”p. 196
Epiloguep. 218
Notesp. 235
Selected Bibliographyp. 285
Indexp. 299
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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