The Mindfulness Solution Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems

Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2009-11-09
Publisher(s): The Guilford Press
List Price: $18.08

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Mindfulness offers a path to well-being and tools for coping with life's inevitable hurdles. And though mindfulness may sound exotic, you can cultivate it--and reap its proven benefits--without special training or lots of spare time. Trusted therapist and mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald Siegel shows exactly how in this inviting guide. You'll get effective strategies to use while driving to work, walking the dog, or washing the dishes, plus tips on creating a formal practice routine in as little as 20 minutes a day. Flexible, step-by-step action plans will help you become more focused and efficient in daily life; cope with difficult feelings, such as anger and sadness; deepen your connection to your spouse or partner; feel more rested and less stressed; curb unhealthy habits; find relief from anxiety and depression; and resolve stress-related pain, insomnia, and other physical problems. Free audio downloads of the meditation exercises are available at the author's website: Start living a more balanced life--today.

Author Biography

Ronald D. Siegel, PsyD, is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, where he has taught for over 25 years. He is a long-time student of mindfulness meditation and serves on the Board of Directors and faculty of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy. He teaches internationally about mindfulness and psychotherapy and mind-body treatment, has worked for many years in community mental health with inner-city children and families, and maintains a private clinical practice in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Dr. Siegel is coauthor of the self-treatment guide Back Sense, which integrates Western and Eastern approaches for treating chronic back pain, and coeditor of an acclaimed book for professionals, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy. Dr. Siegel lives in Lincoln with his wife and daughters. He regularly uses the practices in this book to work with his own busy, unruly mind.


Table of Contents

Prefacep. vii
Why Mindfulness Matters
Life is difficult, for everyonep. 3
Mindfulness: A solutionp. 26
Learning to practice mindfulnessp. 52
Building a mindful lifep. 81
Everyday Practices for Unruly Minds, Bodies, and Relationships
Befriending fear: Working with worry and anxietyp. 105
Entering the dark places; Seeing sadness and depression in a new lightp. 140
Beyond managing symptoms: Transforming pain and stress-related medical problemsp. 176
Living the full catastrophe: Mindfulness for romance, parenting, and other intimate relationshipsp. 212
Breaking bad habits: Learning to make good choicesp. 252
Growing up isn't easy: Changing your relationship with aging, illness, and deathp. 283
What's next?: The promise of mindfulnessp. 315
When You Need More Help: How to Find a Therapistp. 325
Resourcesp. 328
Notesp. 340
Indexp. 348
About the Authorp. 356
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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