A few years before the fatal clash, Custer published a series of reminiscences concerning his participation in the U.S. Army's 1867–69 campaigns against the Plains Indians. The evocative accounts, written during one of Custer's semiretirements rather than from the field, tell of marching, camping, furious firefights, and ruthless slaughter on both sides. In addition to its value as a document of military history, this book offers fascinating insights into the notorious general's character, from his enthusiasm for self-mythologizing to the rash behavior that led to his demise.
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A few years before the fatal clash, Custer published a series of reminiscences concerning his participation in the U.S. Army's 1867–69 campaigns against the Plains Indians. The evocative accounts, written during one of Custer's semiretirements rather than from the field, tell of marching, camping, furious firefights, and ruthless slaughter on both sides. In addition to its value as a document of military history, this book offers fascinating insights into the notorious general's character, from his enthusiasm for self-mythologizing to the rash behavior that led to his demise.
Author Biography
Table of Contents
The Great Plains
General Hancock’s Campaign
A Futile Pursuit
Indian Raids and Murders
From Fort Hays to Fort McPherson
The Indians Attack the Cavalry
White Deserters and Red Massacre
Futile Marches and Countermarches
Launching a Winter Campaign
The Battle of the Washita
Reaping the Fruits of Victory
The Lot of Two White Captives
Waging the Winter Campaign
Red and White Diplomacy
A Peace Mission and Its Results
Further Pursuit of the Cheyennes
Successful Ending of the Campaign
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