My Tiny Kitchen Garden Simple Tips to Help You Grow Your Own Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2023-02-07
Publisher(s): Summersdale
List Price: $11.99

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Simple Tips to Help You Grow Your Own Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables

You don’t need a garden to grow your own food! This book is the perfect beginner’s guide to micro-gardening, featuring tips on how to start, what to choose and how to grow over 20 types of plant for your kitchen.

Have you ever been curious about growing your own food? Do you lack a garden? Have you got limited space in your home? Then this book is for you!

Whether you want to produce fresh herbs for your cooking, save money on your food bill, reduce your carbon footprint or enjoy the simple pleasure of watching something grow, My Tiny Kitchen Garden is bursting with tips and ideas to help you get started, including:

·       The basics of micro-gardening

·       Troubleshooting tips

·       Plant profiles to help you choose what to grow

·       Craft ideas to help you style your plants

·       Advice on growing food from scraps

·       How to save and store seeds

Whether you’re a budding gardener or a seasoned expert looking for seeds of inspiration, dig into this book to hone your green thumb and cultivate your very own tiny kitchen garden

Author Biography

Founded in 1990, Summersdale is a vibrant publisher that puts its heart and soul into creating exceptional books. They swiftly respond to emerging technology and trends, provide entertaining, informative and innovative content in the genres of travel writing, general non-fiction, health and well-being, and gift and humor. 

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