MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- 24 Month Standalone Access Card -- for Pathways to College Mathematics

Edition: 2nd
Format: Access Card
Pub. Date: 2019-04-27
Publisher(s): Pearson
List Price: $159.98

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MyLab Math Standalone Access Card to accompany Blitzer, Pathways to College Mathematics, 2/e

This item is an access card for MyLab Math. This physical access card includes an access code for your MyLab Math course. In order to access the online course you will also need a Course ID, provided by your instructor.

This title-specific access card provides access to the Blitzer, Pathways to College Mathematics, 2/e  accompanying MyLab course ONLY.


MyLab Math is the world’s leading online tutorial, and assessment program designed to help you learn and succeed in your mathematics course. MyLab Math online courses are created to accompany one of Pearson’s  best-selling math textbooks. Every MyLab Math course includes a complete, interactive eText.  Learn more about MyLab Math.


Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.

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