New Nordic Gardens Scandinavian Landscape Design

Edition: Illus.
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2017-04-11
Publisher(s): Thames & Hudson
List Price: $48.00

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Few people have difficulty conjuring images of modern Scandinavian design, whose influence over the past century has extended around the world. More difficult for many is imagining the vast landscapes of the Nordic countries, which range from the quiet flatlands of Denmark to the dramatic mountains and fjords of Norway. These majestic environments, combined with long summer days and dark winters, raking light and dense birch forests, and a lifestyle that embraces nature have given rise to exceptionally refined examples of garden and landscape design.This richly illustrated volume presents the best Scandinavian gardens to have been produced over the past ten years. Organized by themes that encapsulate the special ambience and lifestyle of the Scandinavian landscapes and lifestyles—Simplicity, Silence, Fragility, Nakedness, Attunement, Boldness, Openness, and Care—each garden is extensively illustrated and accompanied by text noting its unique attractions and the qualities that make it an exemplar of Nordic design.The timelessness of Nordic design has proven itself around the world for many decades, and this volume shows how the quality of its gardens and landscapes follows suit, providing inspiration for all climes.

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