New Proofs for the Existence of God

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-04-15
Publisher(s): Eerdmans Pub Co
List Price: $30.99

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Customer Reviews

It's really AMAZING!  May 20, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

This textbook deals successfully with the deeper moral questions of all good literature, in this case God's mercy, forgiveness and redemption, and does it in a way you will not soon forget. I wouldn't put this novel in the category of Christian fiction, but spirituality is a main element of the textbook and done well by the writer, never preachy. I would highly recommend this cheap textbook for all people in the whole world.

New Proofs for the Existence of God: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


Responding to contemporary popular atheism, Robert J. Spitzer's New Proofs for the Existence of God examines the considerable evidence for God and creation that has come to light from physics and philosophy during the last forty years. An expert in diverse areas, including theology, physics, metaphysics, and ethics, Spitzer offers in this text the most contemporary, complete, and integrated approach to rational theism currently available.

With the incredible popularity of recent books championing agnosticism or atheism, many people might never know that such books almost completely ignore the considerable evidence for theism uncovered in both physics and philosophy over the past four decades. New Proofs for the Existence of God responds to these glaring omissions.

From universal space-time asymmetry to cosmic coincidences to the intelligibility of reality, Robert Spitzer tackles a wealth of evidence. He considers string theory, quantum cosmology, mathematical thoughts on infinity, and much more.

This fascinating and stunning collection of evidence provides solid grounding for reasonable and responsible belief in a super-intelligent, transcendent, creative power standing at the origins of our universe.

Author Biography

Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., former president of Gonzaga University, is founder and president of the Magis Institute for Faith and Reason, Irvine, California, and host of a popular series on EWTN. His other books include Healing the Culture, The Spirit of Leadership, and Five Pillars of the Spiritual Life.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgmentsp. xiii
Introductionp. 1
The Contemporary Theistic Scenep. 3
Why are These Proofs New? A Brief History of the Five Approachesp. 4
The Rest of the Bookp. 10
Indications of Creation and Supernatural Design in Contemporary Big Bang Cosmologyp. 13
Introduction to Part Onep. 13
Indications of Creation in Big Bang Cosmologyp. 14
Introductionp. 14
The Big Bang Theoryp. 14
Can Science Indicate Creation?p. 22
Arguments for a Beginning of the Universe in Big Bang Cosmologyp. 24
The Second Law of Thermodynamicsp. 24
Why a Bouncing Universe Cannot Have Been Bouncing Foreverp. 27
Space-Time Geometry Arguments for a Beginning of Timep. 30
Quantum Cosmologyp. 32
The Borde-Vilenkin-Guth Theorem's Boundary to Past Timep. 33
Conclusionp. 43
Metaphysical Implicationsp. 44
Indications of Supernatural Design in Contemporary Big Bang Cosmologyp. 47
Introductionp. 47
Universal Constantsp. 52
Constants of Space and Timep. 53
Energy Constantsp. 55
Individuating Constantsp. 55
Large-Scale and Fine-Structure Constantsp. 56
The Extreme Improbability of Our Anthropic Universep. 57
Many Universes or Supernatural Design?p. 67
Conclusion to Part Onep. 73
Inflationary Cosmology and the String Multiversep. 75
Introductionp. 75
All Inflationary Cosmologies Must Have a Beginning and a Transcendent Causep. 75
String Cosmologies Entail a Beginning and a Transcendent Causep. 77
A Primer on String Theoryp. 77
Steinhardt-Turok Cyclic Ekpyrotic Universes Require a Beginning and a Transcendent Causep. 80
Gasperini-Veneziano Pre-Big-Bang Scenarios Require a Beginning and a Transcendent Causep. 81
Deflationary Intermezzo for Stringsp. 83
A Preliminary Assessment of Inflationary Cosmologyp. 84
All Inflationary and Non-Inflationary Cosmologies Appear to Require a Beginning and Transcendent Causep. 86
Inflation and Cosmological Fine-Tuningp. 87
Fine-Tuning and String Cosmologyp. 90
Conclusionp. 102
Three Philosophical Proofs for the Existence of Godp. 105
Methodological Presuppositions of Philosophical Proof: Reasonable and Responsible Beliefp. 105
A Metaphysical Argument for God's Existencep. 110
Introductionp. 110
Proof of the Existence of at Least one Unconditioned Realityp. 111
Complete Disjunction Elucidating the Whole Range of Possibilities for All Realityp. 111
Definitionsp. 111
Consequences of the Complete Disjunctionp. 112
Proof That "Hypothesis F" Must Be False for Any Conditioned Realityp. 114
Proof That "Hypothesis
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