The NIV Action Study Bible-Premium Edition

Format: Leather Bound
Pub. Date: 2022-10-04
Publisher(s): David C Cook
List Price: $44.99

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The NIV Action Study Bible helps preteens build a strong foundation of faith to last a lifetime.
For fans of The Action Bible® who want to go beyond the pictures and deeper into God’s redemptive story, The NIV Action Study Bible is a full-text study Bible that takes preteens (ages 9 and up) further into the heart of God’s Word and connects His timeless truth to their lives today.
The Action Bible has introduced millions of kids to the stories in the Bible with its dramatic comic-book-style illustrations. Now they can go deeper with The NIV Action Study Bible.
Designed to encourage a stronger connection with God, this essential study Bible includes the complete NIVÒ translation and brings preteens into the action with these features:
  • What About This? Insights to tough questions about faith
  • Unlock It! Who did what, when, where … and why it matters
  • Guess It! Person, place, or thing? Guessing fun with five clues
  • Find It! A distinct icon that appears whenever a story is included in the The Action Bible
  • Activate Reflection on Bible themes and how they apply to life today
  • Ancient Archives Cultural history of ancient times—what were clothes, houses, weapons, food, celebrations, and traditions like?
Experience the Drama Comic book artist Sergio Cariello’s dramatic illustrations capture the imagination and transport readers to another time. Forty full-color illustrated pages throughout the Bible and over two hundred in-text black and white illustrations. Plus book introductions, maps, a dictionary, concordance, and more!

Author Biography

Developed by David C Cook, the Bible features were written by a team of writing professionals, most of whom hold a master’s of divinity theological degree. Illustrations by Brazilian-born renowned artist Sergio Cariello, who has worked for Marvel Comics and DC comics and has illustrated dozens of characters, including Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Iron Man, and Wonder Woman. Sergio and his wife live in Florida.

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