Nothing Fits a Dinosaur Ready-to-Read Level 1

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Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2021-08-31
Publisher(s): Simon Spotlight
List Price: $17.99

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From Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor–winning author and illustrator Jonathan Fenske comes a funny, rhyming Level 1 Ready-to-Read that will have everyone asking the question: so what does fit a dinosaur?

It’s time to get ready for bed, but this silly dinosaur can’t find anything that fits! Find out what happens in this laugh-out-loud Level 1 Ready-to-Read.

Author Biography

Jonathan Fenske is the author of many children’s books including Let’s Play, Crabby! and Wake Up, Crabby! (both 2020 Junior Library Guild selections), Plankton Is Pushy (a 2017 Junior Library Guild selection), and the Lego picture book I’m Fun, Too!. His early reader A Pig, A Fox, and A Box was a 2016 Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor winner. Jonathan lives in Greenville, South Carolina, with his wife and three daughters. 

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