Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge + Navigate 2 Advantage Access Code
by McGonigle, Dee; Mastrian, Kathleen
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Table of Contents
SectionI Building Blocks of Nursing Informatics
Chapter1 Nursing Science and the Foundation of Knowledge
Chapter2 Introduction to Information, Information Science, and Information Systems
Chapter3 Computer Science and the Foundation of Knowledge Model
Chapter4 Introduction to Cognitive Science and Cognitive Informatics
Chapter5 Ethical Applications of Informatics
SectionII Perspectives on Nursing Informatics
Chapter6 History and Evolution of Nursing Informatics
Chapter7 Nursing Informatics as a specialty
Chapter8 Legislative Aspects of Nursing Informatics: HITECH and HIPAA
SectionIII Nursing Informatics Administrative Applications: Precare and Care Support
Chapter9 Systems Development Life Cycle: NI and Organizational Decision Making
Chapter10 Administrative Information Systems
Chapter11 The Human-Technology Interface
Chapter12 Electronic Security
Chapter13 Workflow and Meaningful Use
SectionIV Nursing Informatics Practice Applications: Care Delivery
Chapter14 The Electronic Health Record and Clinical Informatics
Chapter15 Informatics Tools to Promote Patient Safety and Quality Outcomes
Chapter16 Patient Engagement and Connected Health
Chapter17 Using Informatics to Promote Community/Population Health
Chapter18 Telenursing and Remote Access Telehealth
SectionV Education Applications of Nursing Informatics
Chapter19 Nursing Informatics and Nursing Education
Chapter20 Simulation, Gaming Mechanics and Virtual Worlds in Nursing Informatics Education
SectionVI Research Applications of Nursing Informatics
Chapter21 Nursing Research: Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis
Chapter22 Data Mining as a Research Tool
Chapter23 Translational Research: Generating Evidence for Practice
Chapter24 Bioinformatics, Biomedical Informatics, and Computational Biology
SectionVII Imagining the Future of Nursing Informatics
Chapter25 The Art of Caring in Technology Laden Environments
Chapter26 Nursing Informatics and Knowledge Management
Chapter1 Nursing Science and the Foundation of Knowledge
Chapter2 Introduction to Information, Information Science, and Information Systems
Chapter3 Computer Science and the Foundation of Knowledge Model
Chapter4 Introduction to Cognitive Science and Cognitive Informatics
Chapter5 Ethical Applications of Informatics
SectionII Perspectives on Nursing Informatics
Chapter6 History and Evolution of Nursing Informatics
Chapter7 Nursing Informatics as a specialty
Chapter8 Legislative Aspects of Nursing Informatics: HITECH and HIPAA
SectionIII Nursing Informatics Administrative Applications: Precare and Care Support
Chapter9 Systems Development Life Cycle: NI and Organizational Decision Making
Chapter10 Administrative Information Systems
Chapter11 The Human-Technology Interface
Chapter12 Electronic Security
Chapter13 Workflow and Meaningful Use
SectionIV Nursing Informatics Practice Applications: Care Delivery
Chapter14 The Electronic Health Record and Clinical Informatics
Chapter15 Informatics Tools to Promote Patient Safety and Quality Outcomes
Chapter16 Patient Engagement and Connected Health
Chapter17 Using Informatics to Promote Community/Population Health
Chapter18 Telenursing and Remote Access Telehealth
SectionV Education Applications of Nursing Informatics
Chapter19 Nursing Informatics and Nursing Education
Chapter20 Simulation, Gaming Mechanics and Virtual Worlds in Nursing Informatics Education
SectionVI Research Applications of Nursing Informatics
Chapter21 Nursing Research: Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis
Chapter22 Data Mining as a Research Tool
Chapter23 Translational Research: Generating Evidence for Practice
Chapter24 Bioinformatics, Biomedical Informatics, and Computational Biology
SectionVII Imagining the Future of Nursing Informatics
Chapter25 The Art of Caring in Technology Laden Environments
Chapter26 Nursing Informatics and Knowledge Management
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