Permission to Come Home Reclaiming Mental Health as Asian Americans

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2022-05-03
Publisher(s): Balance
List Price: $29.00

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One of the first books of its kind, Permission to Come Home is a crucial resource for the rapidly growing community of Asian Americans, immigrants, and other minorities and marginalized people to practice mental and emotional self-care. Moreover, it helps readers to work on their mental health while understanding and honoring the richness of their heritage and embodying a new, complete, and whole identity. Throughout, Dr. Jenny Wang weaves together personal stories of strength, pain, and resilience with incisive analysis of Asian American and immigrant identities and how they affect our individual and collective mental health.

Dr. Wang is the founder of the Asian, Pacific Islander, and South Asian American (APISAA) Therapist Directory, the first reference that brings together Asian American mental health providers in one international network. Dr. Wang combines her expertise on attachment, trauma, and cognitive science to show how integrating the many facets of our identity is crucial to understanding the issues that impact us and our loved ones.

Author Biography

Dr. Jenny Wang is a Taiwanese American clinical psychologist and national speaker on Asian American mental health and racial trauma in Asian American, BIPOC, and immigrant communities. Her work focuses on the intersection of Asian American identity, mental health, and social justice. She is the founder of the @asiansformentalhealth Instagram community, in which she discusses the unique experiences of Asian diaspora and immigrant communities. She spearheaded the Asian, Pacific Islander, and South Asian American Therapist Directory and its companion Canadian directory to help Asians seek culturally-reverent mental health providers.

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