Pirone's Tree Maintenance

by ; ;
Edition: 7th
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2000-04-06
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $76.80

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Praised by The New York Times as "an indispensable guide for the homeowner and the professional," Tree Maintenance has been the definitive source on maintenance of North American landscape trees for over fifty years, an essential reference not only for arborists, nurserymen, and landscapearchitects, but for all homeowners who want to keep their trees healthy and pest free. The Seventh Edition, now named in honor of Dr. P. P. Pirone, who authored the first five editions and co-authored the sixth, has been revised to reflect the enormous amount of new information available since the last edition, including the latest techniques in selecting, planting, andprotecting trees. The authors explain how to evaluate the site (the soil, drainage, and exposure), how to select the right tree for that location, and how to prune, fertilize, and spray for pests. There is an extensive section on the diagnosis and control of tree pests and diseases, and on problemssuch as construction damage, gas injury, sunscald, leaf scorch, and air pollution. While the general structure of the sixth edition has been retained, there are several topics--notably hazardous trees and coping with tree pests and diseases--that have received greater attention than in previousversions of the book. The second half of the book comprises a systematic listing of the major landscape trees found in North America, describing the specific pests and diseases that attack each species. Well organized, clearly written, and beautifully illustrated with many new photographs, Pirone's Tree Maintenance is an encyclopedic resource, the first place to turn for information on dogwoods and elms, magnolias and redwoods, or any other tree growing in North America. Anyone serious aboutgardening will want this book on their shelf.

Author Biography

P.P. Pirone is Plant Pathologist Emeritus at the New York Botanical Garden. John Hartman is Professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Kentucky, and an award-winning member of the International Society of Arboriculture. Thomas P. Pirone (the author's son) is Professor and former Chairman of the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Kentucky. Mary Ann Sall has a Ph.D. in Forest Pathology and was formerly a member of the faculty of the University of California, Davis.

Table of Contents

Preface vii
I General Maintenance Practices 1(170)
The Value of Trees
The Structure of the Tree and Function of Its Parts
The Soil and Its Relation to Trees
Factors Important for Tree Selection
Transplanting Trees
Fertilizers and Their Use
Tree Preservation and Repair
II Diagnosis and Management of Tree Problems 171(150)
Diagnosing Tree Problems
Damage Due to Nonparasitic Factors
Insect and Mite Pests of Trees
Parasitic Diseases of Trees
Coping with Tree Pests and Diseases
III Abnormalities of Specific Trees 321(188)
Selected Bibliography 509(2)
Index 511

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