Promoting Democracy In The Americas

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2007-08-22
Publisher(s): Johns Hopkins Univ Pr
List Price: $33.00

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Integrating comparative politics and international relations perspectives, this volume provides a critical analysis of the role of international and transnational actors in contemporary democratization processes in the Americas. It covers recent challenges to democracy in Venezuela, Haiti, and Ecuador along with current debates about election monitoring and democracy promotion within the Organization of American States. The book provides up-to-date case studies -- not available in any other text -- of the major actors involved in recent democracy promotion activities in the Americas. The contributors focus on diverse themes related to efforts to strengthen democracy in the Americas and include fresh material on the role of regional powers other than the United States -- specifically Brazil and Canada -- in regional initiatives. Showcasing cutting-edge theoretical debates, Promoting Democracy in the Americas offers a much needed reality check on whether international and transnational actors are indeed successful in their efforts to promote democracy and, if so, exactly what type of democracy they envision.

Author Biography

Thomas Legler is a professor of international studies at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico. Sharon F. Lean is an assistant professor of political science at Wayne State University. Dexter S. Boniface is an assistant professor of political science at Rollins College.

Table of Contents

Forewordp. vii
Prefacep. xiii
List of Acronyms and Abbreviationsp. xvii
The International and Transnational Dimensions of Democracy in the Americasp. 1
The Role of the OAS and Regional Powers
The OAS and Legalizing Norms of Democracyp. 21
The OAS's Mixed Recordp. 40
The United States: Rhetoric and Realityp. 63
Canada: Democracy's New Champion?p. 85
Brazil: How Realists Defend Democracyp. 107
Election Monitoring
Election Monitoring and the Western Hemisphere Ideap. 133
External Validation and Democratic Accountabilityp. 152
Crisis Cases
Haiti 2004: CARICOM's Democracy Promotion Effortsp. 177
Venezuela 2002-2004: The Chavez Challengep. 204
Ecuador 2004-2005: Democratic Crisis Reduxp. 225
Critical Reflections
The International Political Economy of Democracy Promotion: Lessons from Haiti and Guatemalap. 249
Transnational Response to Democratic Crisis in the Americas, 1990-2005p. 270
OAS Resolution 1080p. 291
The Inter-American Democratic Charterp. 293
Referencesp. 303
List of Contributorsp. 327
Indexp. 331
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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