This essential single-source guide to multimethod psychological assessment of disordered thinking and perception offers practical insights for applying key evaluation measures and strategies, along with important contextual considerations.
It provides mental health professionals with valuable empirical and interpretive support as they answer assessment questions for diagnostic and decision-making purposes.
Chapters are written by assessment psychologists who are renowned for their expertise and contributions in developing and researching specific assessment instruments or topics. They provide up-to-date information about widely used self-report measures and interview techniques, performance-based tests, and cognitive and neuropsychological measures, including their conceptual basis, psychometric properties, empirical support, and key interpretive elements.
Additional chapters review special developmental and cross-cultural considerations, as well as guidelines for forensic assessments.
Two in-depth case examples provide comprehensive illustrations of the multimethod evaluation process with an adolescent and an adult.

Psychological Assessment of Disordered Thinking and Perception
by Weiner, Irving B.; Kleiger, James H.Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2021-07-27
Publisher(s): American Psychological Association
List Price: $74.65
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Table of Contents
Introduction to the Psychological Assessment of Disordered Thought and Perception: Definitions and Concepts
Irving B. Weiner and James H. Kleiger
I. Understanding Multimethod Psychological Assessment
Chapter 1. The Importance of Multimethod Psychological Assessment in Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Robert F. Bornstein
II. Clinical Interviews and Self-Report Measures
Chapter 2. Clinical Interview Methods for Assessing Disordered Thinking and Perception
Ali Khadivi
Chapter 3. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 (MMPI-2) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
David S. Nichols
Chapter 4. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2–RF (MMPI-2-RF) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Anthony M. Tarescavage and Martin Sellbom
Chapter 5. Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Morgan N. McCredie, Christopher J. Hopwood, and Leslie C. Morey
Chapter 6. Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-IV) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
James P. Choca
Chapter 7. Rating Scales for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
James H. Kleiger
III. Performance-Based Measures
Chapter 8. Rorschach Comprehensive System (RCS) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Irving B. Weiner
Chapter 9. Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Gregory J. Meyer and Joni L. Mihura
Chapter 10. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Hedwig Teglasi
Chapter 11. Wartegg Drawing Completion Test (WDCT) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Alessandro Crisi
IV. Cognitive and Neuropsychological Measures
Chapter 12. Intelligence Measures for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
John R. Reddon, Salvatore B. Durante, and Donald H. Saklofske
Chapter 13. Neuropsychological Measures for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Jed Yalof
V. Special Topics
Chapter 14. Forensic Considerations in the Assessment of Disordered Thought and Perception
Marvin W. Acklin
Chapter 15. Assessing Disordered Thinking and Perception in Children and Adolescents
Sandra W. Russ and Alexis W. Lee
Chapter 16. Cross-Cultural Considerations in the Assessment of Disordered Thought and Perception
Bruce L. Smith
VI. Case Illustrations
Chapter 17. Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception With an Adolescent: A Multimethod Case Example
James H. Kleiger
Chapter 18. Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception With an Adult: A Multimethod Case Example
Irving B. Weiner
About the Editors
Introduction to the Psychological Assessment of Disordered Thought and Perception: Definitions and Concepts
Irving B. Weiner and James H. Kleiger
I. Understanding Multimethod Psychological Assessment
Chapter 1. The Importance of Multimethod Psychological Assessment in Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Robert F. Bornstein
II. Clinical Interviews and Self-Report Measures
Chapter 2. Clinical Interview Methods for Assessing Disordered Thinking and Perception
Ali Khadivi
Chapter 3. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 (MMPI-2) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
David S. Nichols
Chapter 4. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2–RF (MMPI-2-RF) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Anthony M. Tarescavage and Martin Sellbom
Chapter 5. Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Morgan N. McCredie, Christopher J. Hopwood, and Leslie C. Morey
Chapter 6. Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-IV) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
James P. Choca
Chapter 7. Rating Scales for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
James H. Kleiger
III. Performance-Based Measures
Chapter 8. Rorschach Comprehensive System (RCS) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Irving B. Weiner
Chapter 9. Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Gregory J. Meyer and Joni L. Mihura
Chapter 10. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Hedwig Teglasi
Chapter 11. Wartegg Drawing Completion Test (WDCT) for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Alessandro Crisi
IV. Cognitive and Neuropsychological Measures
Chapter 12. Intelligence Measures for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
John R. Reddon, Salvatore B. Durante, and Donald H. Saklofske
Chapter 13. Neuropsychological Measures for Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception
Jed Yalof
V. Special Topics
Chapter 14. Forensic Considerations in the Assessment of Disordered Thought and Perception
Marvin W. Acklin
Chapter 15. Assessing Disordered Thinking and Perception in Children and Adolescents
Sandra W. Russ and Alexis W. Lee
Chapter 16. Cross-Cultural Considerations in the Assessment of Disordered Thought and Perception
Bruce L. Smith
VI. Case Illustrations
Chapter 17. Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception With an Adolescent: A Multimethod Case Example
James H. Kleiger
Chapter 18. Assessing Disordered Thought and Perception With an Adult: A Multimethod Case Example
Irving B. Weiner
About the Editors
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