
by ; ; ;
Edition: 5th
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2019-11-29
Publisher(s): Worth Publishers
List Price: $319.98

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This bestselling textbook brings the latest developments in psychology to students in a signature writing style that will inspire a lifelong love of science. The authors--respected researchers and writers of popular press titles--invite students to join them on a tour of their favorite subject--psychological science. The new edition takes a closer look at the role psychology plays in our society, with new material in Chapter 2 that looks at the truth about psychological science, the rate of replication in published studies, and how critical thinking is foundational in science and life. Chapter 1 presents a new look at the history of the science with unexpected stories and new insights into its surprising origins. Each chapter has been fully updated with research and examples to portray a field that is constantly evolving and illuminating the world today. Combined with LaunchPad, including the LearningCurve adaptive quizzing system, the new Fifth Edition is a powerful way to introduce students to the science of psychology.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Evolution of Psychological Science

Chapter 2: Methods in Psychology

Chapter 3: Neuroscience and Behavior

Chapter 4: Sensation and Perception

Chapter 5: Consciousness

Chapter 6: Memory

Chapter 7: Learning

Chapter 8: Emotion and Motivation

Chapter 9: Language and Thought

Chapter 10: Intelligence

Chapter 11: Development

Chapter 12: Personality

Chapter 13: Social Psychology

Chapter 14: Stress and Health

Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders

Chapter 16: Treatment of Psychological Disorders



Name Index

Subject Index

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