The Psychology of Babies

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2015-10-20
Publisher(s): Constable & Robinson Ltd
List Price: $27.95

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Winner of the British Psychological Society Book Award for Best Textbook

An instructive and accessible account of the psychological development of children aged 0-2 years and how it can be supported by social relationships.

The first two years are critical in a child's development, influencing what happens in later childhood and even adulthood. Yet how best to support that early development is not always easy to grasp. Now help is at hand with this expert guide on the care of children through these essential years.

Based on the latest research, with its wealth of picture sequences and clear explanations, this book shows how the development of young children's social understanding, attachments, self-control and intelligence can be supported through their relationships.

Author Biography

Lynne Murray is Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Reading (and Professor Extra-ordinary at Stellenbosch University, South Africa). The author of The Social Baby, she has published widely on young children’s psychological development and parenting.

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