Reason and Religious Belief : An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion

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Edition: 5th
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2012-10-12
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $115.19

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Reason and Religious Belief, now in its fifth edition, explores perennial questions in the philosophy of religion. Drawing from the best in both classical and contemporary discussions, the authors examine religious experience, faith and reason, the divine attributes, arguments for and againstthe existence of God, divine action (in various forms of theism), Reformed epistemology, religious language, religious diversity, and religion and science.Revised and updated to reflect current philosophical discourse, the fifth edition offers new material on neuro-theology, the "new Atheism," the intelligent design movement, theistic evolution, and skeptical theism. It also provides more coverage of non-Western religions - particularly Buddhism - andupdated discussions of evidentialism, free will, life after death, apophatic theology, and more. A sophisticated yet accessible introduction, Reason and Religious Belief, Fifth Edition, is ideally suited for use with the authors' companion anthology, Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, FourthEdition (OUP, 2009).

Author Biography

Michael Peterson is Professor of Philosophy of Religion at Asbury Theological Seminary. William Hasker is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Huntington University. Bruce Reichenbach is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Augsburg College. David Basinger is Professor of Philosophy Ethics at Roberts Wesleyan College.

Table of Contents

Preface to the Fifth Editionp. ix
Introductionp. 1
Thinking About God: The Search For The Divinep. 5
Defining Religionp. 6
What Is Philosophy of Religion?p. 8
The God of Theismp. 10
Thoughtful Inquiry and Religious Faithp. 13
The Religious Ambiguity of Lifep. 14
Our Taskp. 16
The Nature Of Religion: What Are Religious Beliefs About?p. 19
Religious Nonrealismp. 21
Buddhist Nonrealismp. 24
Religious Realismp. 26
Wittgenstein on Religionp. 27
Why Is This Issue Important?p. 29
Religious Experience: What Does It Mean To Encounter The Divine?p. 33
Types of Religious Experiencep. 34
Religious Experience as Feelingp. 37
Some Religious Experience as Perceptual Experiencep. 39
Religious Experience as Interpretation Based on Religious Beliefsp. 42
Neurotheologyp. 44
Can Religious Experience Justify Religious Belief?p. 45
The Principle of Credulityp. 47
Diversity of Religious Experiencesp. 50
Is There a Common Core to Religious Experience?p. 51
Faith And Reason: How Are They Related?p. 59
Can Reason Be Trusted?p. 60
Strong Rationalismp. 61
Fideismp. 65
Critical Rationalismp. 69
Theistic Arguments: Is There Evidence For God's Existence?p. 79
Theistic Arguments as Proofsp. 79
The Ontological Argumentp. 81
Contemporary Versions of the Ontological Argumentp. 84
The Cosmological Argumentp. 85
The Kalam Cosmological Argumentp. 86
The Atemporal Cosmological Argumentp. 89
The Analogical Teleological Argumentp. 93
The Anthropic Teleological Argumentp. 94
The Intelligent Design Teleological Argumentp. 97
The Moral Argumentp. 101
Cumulative Case Arguments and Godp. 104
The God of Religion and of Philosophyp. 106
Knowing God Without Arguments: Does Theism Need A Basis?p. 113
Evidentialismp. 114
Critique of Evidentialismp. 115
Plantinga on Properly Basic Beliefsp. 118
Alston on Perceiving Godp. 124
Plantinga on Warrant and Knowledgep. 126
The Divine Attributes: What Is God Like?p. 135
Perfect and Worthy of Worshipp. 137
Necessary and Self-Existentp. 140
Personal and Free Creatorp. 142
All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and Perfectly Goodp. 145
God Eternal-Timeless or Everlastingp. 149
Divine Action: How Does God Relate To The World?p. 157
What Kind of Power Does God Exercise?p. 158
What Kind of Freedom Has God Given?p. 161
Does God Know What Would Have Happened?p. 163
Does God Know the Actual Future?p. 167
What If the Future Is Truly Open?p. 171
The Problem Of Evil: Is There Evidence Against God's Existence?p. 178
The Logical Problem of Evilp. 180
The Evidential Problem of Evilp. 184
Skeptical Theism as a Responsep. 186
Can Theists Accept the Factual Premise?p. 188
Defense and Theodicyp. 189
Themes in Theodicyp. 191
Some Important Global Theodiciesp. 196
Horrendous Evils and the Assessment of Theismp. 200
Miracles: Does God Intervene In Earthly Affairs?p. 207
Miracles Definedp. 207
Miracles as Possible Eventsp. 210
Miracles as Historical Eventsp. 211
Miracles as Unexplainable Eventsp. 214
Miracles as Acts of Godp. 217
The "Miraculous" Resurrection of Jesusp. 220
Miracles and Evilp. 223
Life After Death: Are There Reasons For Hope?p. 229
Terminologyp. 230
Concepts of Life After Deathp. 231
Personal Identity and the Soulp. 234
Immortality of the Soulp. 238
Criticism of the Soul-Conceptp. 239
The Self as a Psychophysical Unityp. 242
Re-creation and Spatiotemporal Continuityp. 243
There Is No Persisting Selfp. 249
A Posteriori Arguments for Life After Deathp. 252
A Priori Arguments for Life After Deathp. 255
Prospectsp. 256
Religious Language: How Can We Speak Meaningfully Of God?p. 263
Human Language and the Infinitep. 264
The Classical Theory of Analogyp. 265
Verification and Falsification Issuesp. 268
The Functions of Religious Discoursep. 272
Religious Language as Symbolicp. 275
Feminism and Masculine God-Talkp. 277
Can Talk of God Be Literal?p. 281
Religion And Science: Are They Compatible Or Incompatible?p. 291
Do Religion and Science Conflict?p. 293
Are Religion and Science Independent?p. 298
Is Dialogue Possible?p. 300
Attempts at Integrationp. 307
Theistic Evolution and the Science-Religion Debatep. 309
Insightsp. 313
Religious Diversity: How Can We Understand Differences Among Religions?p. 319
Religious Diversityp. 320
Exclusivismp. 321
Critique of Exclusivismp. 324
Exclusivism and Justified Beliefp. 324
Pluralismp. 326
Critique of Pluralismp. 328
Pluralism as Plurality of Salvationsp. 331
Inclusivismp. 333
Critique of Inclusivismp. 336
Criteria for Assessing Religionsp. 337
Religious Ethics: What Is God's Relation To Morality?p. 344
The Source of Religious Ethical Truthp. 345
The Authoritative Basis of Religious Ethical Truthp. 348
The Acquisition of Religiously Based Ethical Truthp. 350
The Significance of Religiously Based Ethical Truthp. 354
Current Issuesp. 358
The Continuing Quest: God And The Human Venturep. 367
The Intellectual Processp. 368
Philosophical Activity and Religious Faithp. 369
Where Do We Go from Here?p. 370
Glossaryp. 373
Name Indexp. 383
General Indexp. 389
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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