The Responsible Traveller A Practical Guide To Reducing Your Environmental And Social Impact

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2022-09-06
Publisher(s): Summersdale
List Price: $10.99

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A pocket-sized guidebook to help us all become more aware of the impacts of our travel choices – both on the planet and on the local communities whose homes we are visiting – and to equip us with practical tips and advice on how to have more responsible, ethical and eco-friendly travels.

The Responsible Traveller is your ticket to sustainable and ethical travel. This pocket-sized book provides the knowledge and tools that can help you to explore the world with a lighter footprint.

Whether you travel out of curiosity, to find respite, to remind yourself of how vast and wonderful our planet is, or in search of life-shaping adventures, having the freedom to explore can be exhilarating and hugely rewarding. However, we owe it to the people, cultures, ecosystems and wildlife that we encounter along the way to travel with respect; to preserve our beautiful world for generations to come.

The Responsible Traveller will show you how to make actionable changes that result in more thoughtful and adventurous travels, while also doing our very best for Planet Earth. Through case studies and storytelling, you’ll learn about the environmental and social effects of tourism and gain a deeper understanding of cultural sensitivity. And through simple, achievable tips and practical lifestyle changes, you’ll discover how you can make an almighty difference in reducing your impact. Empowered with this information, perhaps your next adventure will be inspired by consideration, understanding and compassion.


Author Biography

Karen Edwards is an editor and writer from London, who specializes in responsible tourism, sustainable living and emotional well-being. She writes for a variety of national and international titles, including High Life by British Airways, Breathe, Grazia, Metro, The Independent, The Telegraph and Time Out. Karen inherited her love for the planet at a young age while travelling with her parents. She lives in between London and South Australia with her marine biologist fiancé.

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