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Author Biography
"He was not of an age, but for all time," declared Ben Jonson of his contemporary William Shakespeare (1564–1616). Jonson's praise is especially prescient, since at the turn of the 17th century Shakespeare was but one of many popular London playwrights and none of his dramas were printed in his lifetime. The reason so many of his works survive is because two of his actor friends, with the assistance of Jonson, assembled and published the First Folio edition of 1623.
Table of Contents
List of characters | p. 1 |
Romeo and Juliet | p. 3 |
The story of Romeo and Juliet | p. 202 |
The oppositions of Romeo and Juliet | p. 204 |
Oppositions of time | p. 206 |
Characters--who's who in Romeo and Juliet | p. 207 |
Why did Romeo and Juliet die? | p. 208 |
The language of Romeo and Juliet | p. 210 |
Putting on the play | p. 214 |
William Shakespeare | p. 220 |
Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved. |
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