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The Rough Guide Greek Phrasebook is the definitive phrasebook to help you make the most of your time in Greece. Whether you want to book a hotel room, ask what time the train leaves or buy a drink from the bar, this new phrasebook has a dictionary of over 5,000 words and will help you communicate with the locals in no time. The free audio downloads, recorded by native Greek speakers, can be downloaded to your computer or MP3 player. They allow you to listen to the correct pronunciation of essential dialogues and are ideal for practicing before you go or while you#x19;re there. There's even a regional pronunciation guide and Rough Guide travel tips section, so wherever you are you can get around and speak the lingo. The Rough Guide Greek Phrasebook has an extensive two-way dictionary packed with vocabulary and includes a helpful menu and drinks list reader, perfect for choosing the right dish in any restaurant. With this phrasebook in your pocket you will never run out of things to say!Make the most of your trip to Greece with The Rough Guide Greek Phrasebook.
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