The Secret History of the Mongol Queens How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire

Edition: Reprint
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2011-03-01
Publisher(s): Crown
List Price: $20.00

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Customer Reviews

Great Book  May 3, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

After reading Jack Weatherford's "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World" I went and pre-ordered this text book - and I wasn't disappointed. It is well-researched and documented, but most importantly it is readable and not a dry rendition of the facts that make up history. Reading this fine history makes the reader "live" the period of these daughters of the great Khan, a remarkable and pleasurable experience. I rate the seller 5 stars and I plan to buy from ecampus again in the future.

The Secret History of the Mongol Queens How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


The Mongol queens of the thirteenth century ruled the largest empire the world has ever known. Yet sometime near the end of the century, censors cut a section from The Secret History of the Mongols, leaving a single tantalizing quote from Genghis Khan: “Let us reward our female offspring.” Only this hint of a father’s legacy for his daughters remained of a much larger story.

The queens of the Silk Route turned their father’s conquests into the world’s first truly international empire, fostering trade, education, and religion throughout their territories and creating an economic system that stretched from the Pacific to the Mediterranean. Outlandish stories of these powerful queens trickled out of the Empire, shocking the citizens of Europe and and the Islamic world.

After Genghis Khan’s death in 1227, conflicts erupted between his daughters and his daughters-in-law; what began as a war between powerful women soon became a war against women in power as brother turned against sister, son against mother. At the end of this epic struggle, the dynasty of the Mongol queens had seemingly been extinguished forever, as even their names were erased from the historical record..

One of the most unusual and important warrior queens of history arose to avenge the wrongs, rescue the tattered shreds of the Mongol Empire, and restore order to a shattered world. Putting on her quiver and picking up her bow, Queen Mandhuhai led her soldiers through victory after victory. In her thirties she married a seventeen-year-old prince, and she bore eight children in the midst of a career spent fighting the Ming Dynasty of China on one side and a series of Muslim warlords on the other. Her unprecedented success on the battlefield provoked the Chinese into the most frantic and expensive phase of wall building in history. Charging into battle even while pregnant, she fought to reassemble the Mongol Nation of Genghis Khan and to preserve it for her own children to rule in peace.

At the conclusion of his magnificently researched and ground-breaking narrative, Weatherford notes that, despite their mystery and the efforts to erase them from our collective memory, the deeds of these Mongol queens inspired great artists from Chaucer and Milton to Goethe and Puccini, and so their stories live on today. With The Secret History of the Mongol Queens, Jack Weatherford restores the queens’ missing chapter to the annals of history.

Author Biography

JACK WEATHERFORD holds the DeWitt Wallace Chair of Anthropology at Macalester College in Minnesota and an honorary position at Chinggis Khaan University in Mongolia. In 2007 he received the Order of the Polar Star, the highest award for service to the Mongol Nation for writing Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World., He is also the author of Indian Givers, Native Roots, Savages and Civilizations, and The History of Money.

From the Hardcover edition.

Table of Contents

Map of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368)p. viii
Introduction: The Missing Chapterp. xi
Tiger Queens of the Silk Route 1206-1241
It Takes a Herop. 3
The Growling Dragon and the Dancing Peacockp. 23
Our Daughters Are Our Shieldsp. 44
Queens at War and Commercep. 67
The Shattered Jade Realm 1242-1470
War Against Womenp. 89
Granddaughters of Resistancep. 113
The Rabbit Demon's Revengep. 130
Daughter of the Yellow Dragonp. 152
The Falling Prince and the Rising Queenp. 173
Wolf Mother 1470-1509
The White Road of the Warrior Widowp. 193
Winning the War and Raising a Husbandp. 210
Facing the Wallp. 228
Her Jade Realm Restoredp. 248
Epilogue: The Secrets of Historyp. 271
Selected Bibliographyp. 279
A Note on Transliterationp. 285
Notesp. 287
Acknowledgmentsp. 305
Indexp. 309
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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