This book continues the ideas set forth in It’s Attachment, A New Way of Understanding Yourself and Your Relationships published by Guernica Editions. The last chapter in the book focused on how one’s adult attachment influences his/her parenting of children. This book will expand on the topic, exploring the 4 categories of adult attachment and how each category influences one’s parenting. The book will help a parent determine his or her Adult Attachment, understand the challenges for parenting based on their particular attachment and then offer guidelines on how to change parenting patterns, again based on the category of attachment of the parent.
Secure Parent, Secure Child How a Parent's Adult Attachment Shapes the Security of the Child
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Author Biography
Annette Kussin has a Masters Degree in Social Work, is a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and an advanced Attachment Focused Therapist. She worked in children’s mental health for over 30 years as a therapist, supervisor, manager and clinical director. She was the owner/director of the Leaside Therapy Centre, a multi-discipline clinic in Toronto, for 10 years. She has had a private practice for over 30 years. She specializes in Attachment Focused Therapy for adults, couples, adolescents and adoptive families. Annette has received advanced training in Attachment Focused Therapy and has been a member of an advanced consultation group in this model of therapy. She offers consultation to Mental Health agencies and consultation/supervision to individual professionals. She provides training to organizations throughout Ontario including Wilfred Laurier Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto Faculty of Social Work, The Sick Kids Centre for Community Mental Health, Mission Empowerment and many other Training Organizations, Children and Adult Mental Health Services and Child Welfare Agencies in the area of Attachment, Trauma and Brain Development.
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