A Short Course in Photography: Digital

Edition: 3rd
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2014-07-01
Publisher(s): PEARSON
List Price: $86.65

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Demonstrates basic techniques in digital photography


Modeled after the widely used A Short Course in Photography:Film and Darkroom, the third edition of A Short Course in Photography: Digital presents photography entirely in its current, electronic form. This brief title demonstrates greater emphasis on the most up-to-date learning techniques, allowing students to keep up with modern technology. A Short Course in Photography: Digital teaches readers to emphasize their choices in picture making by presenting in depth basic techniques of photography. In additional to covering the basic techniques of photography, this title covers the impact of computers on this important art form.


MyArtsLab is an integral part of the London / Stone program. Engaging activities and assessment are part of a teaching and learning system that helps students gain a broader understanding of photography. With MyArtsLab, students can explore in-depth analyses of relevant artwork, architecture, artistic techniques, and more.


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0205991602 / 9780205991600 A Short Course in Digital Photography Plus NEW MyArtsLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

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0205206565 / 9780205206568 NEW MyArtsLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card

0205998259 / 9780205998258 A Short Course in Digital Photography

Author Biography

Jim Stone is an Associate Professor of Photography at the University of New Mexico. His photographs have been collected by the Museum of Modern Art and The Smithsonian American Art Museum, among many others. Books of his work include Stranger Than Fiction (Light Work, 1993),Historiostomy (Piltdown Press, 2001), and Why My Pictures are Good (Nazraeli Press, 2005).

He has also published six higher education titles that are widely used in university courses: A User¹s Guide to the View Camera, Darkroom Dynamics, Photography, Photography: The Essential Way, A Short Course in Photography, and A Short Course in Digital Photography.

Barbara London has authored and co-authored many photography books from their first editions to their current ones, including Photography, Photography: The Essential Way, A Short Course in Photography, A Short Course in Digital Photography, The Photograph Collector's Guide, and more.

Table of Contents

In This Section:


I)  Brief Table of Contents

II)       Detailed Table of Contents

I) Brief Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Camera
Chapter 2. Lens
Chapter 3. Light and Exposure
Chapter 4. The Digital Darkroom
Chapter 5. Image Editing
Chapter 6. Printing and Display
Chapter 7. Organizing and Storing
Chapter 8. Lighting
Chapter 9. Seeing Like a Camera
Chapter 10. History of Photography

II) Detailed Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Camera
Getting Started Getting your camera ready
Focusing and setting the exposure  
Exposure readout 
Exposing images 
What will you photograph?  
Types of Cameras
Basic Camera Controls
More about Camera Controls
Inside a digital single-lens reflex camera
Shutter Speed Affects light and motion
Use it creatively
Aperture Affects light and depth of field
Use it creatively
Shutter Speed and Aperture Blur vs. depth of field
Getting the Most from Your Camera and Lens

Chapter 2. Lens
Lens Focal Length The basic difference between lenses
Normal Focal Length The most like human vision
Long Focal Length Telephoto lenses
Short Focal Length Wide-angle lenses
Zoom, Macro, and Fisheye Lenses
Focus and Depth of Field
Automatic Focus
Depth of Field Controlling sharpness in a photograph
More about Depth of Field How to preview it
Perspective How a photograph shows depth
Lens Attachments Close-ups and Filters

Chapter 3. Light and Exposure
Sensor and Pixels
Pixels and Resolution
Color in Photography
White Balance
Using Histograms
Exposure Meters What different types do
How to calculate and adjust an exposure manually
Overriding an Automatic Exposure Camera
Making an Exposure of an Average Scene
Exposing Scenes that are Lighter or Darker than Average
Exposing Scenes with High Contrast
HDR High dynamic range

Chapter 4. The Digital Darkroom
Equipment and Materials You’ll Need

Pictures Are Files
Digital Color Modes, gamuts, spaces, and profiles
Calibrating for accuracy

Working with Camera Raw
Setting up a Workflow Stay organized
Workflow programs: Aperture and Lightroom
Importing an Image

Chapter 5. Image Editing
Getting Started Editing an Image
Adjusting an Image Levels
Adjusting Part of an Image Selections
More Techniques

Into black and white
An Editing Workflow
Ethics and Digital Imaging

Chapter 6. Printing and Display
Printers and Drivers
Papers and Inks
Soft Proofing
Panoramic Photographs
Presenting Your Work Framing
Matting a print
Mounting a Print Equipment and materials you’ll need
Dry Mounting a Print Step by Step
Bleed Mounting/Overmatting

Chapter 7. Organizing and Storing
Image Storage
Using Metadata
Software for Organizing
Archiving Images and Prints

Chapter 8. Lighting
Qualities of Light From direct to diffused
Existing Light Use what’s available
The Main Light The strongest source of light
Fill Light
To lighten shadows
Simple Portrait Lighting
Using Artificial
Light Photolamp or flash
More about Flash How to position it
Using Flash

Chapter 9. Seeing Like a Camera
What’s in the Picture The edges or frame
The background
Which parts are sharp
Time and Motion in a Photograph
in a Picture Three dimensions become two
Chaos becomes order
Photographing for Meaning
Portraits Informal: Finding them
Formal: Setting them up
Photographing the Landscape
Photographing the Cityscape
Photographing Inside
Responding to Photographs

Chapter 10. History of Photography
Daguerrotype “Designs on silver bright”
Calotype Pictures on paper
Collodion Wet-Plate Sharp and reproducible
Gelatin Emulsion/Roll-Film
Base Photography for everyone
Color Photography
Early Portraits
Early Travel Photography
Early Images of War
Time and Motion in Early Photographs
The Photograph as Document
Photography and Social Change
Photography as Art in the 19th Century
Pictorial Photography and the Photo-Secession
The Direct Image in Art
The Quest for a New Vision
Photography as Art in the 1950s and 1960s
Photography as Art in the 1970s and 1980s
Digital Photography Predecessors
Becomes Mainstream
How to Learn More
Photographers’ Web Sites 

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