Sin causa aparente

by Unknown
Format: Trade Paper
Pub. Date: 2013-01-01
Publisher(s): Plataforma Editorial S L
List Price: $28.95

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Suspense reigns supreme in this crime novel that portrays pure evil, limitless ambition, and a complete lack of scruples. Matias's wife Raquel has just mysteriously died, leaving him and their young child to cope with this sudden loss. He refuses to believe it was a suicide as the police suggest, and he insists that her behavior leading up to her death did not indicate anything was wrong. Detective Enric Nasarrewhose extensive experience has taught him to distrust everything and everyonegets assigned the investigation. The case with no clear motive begins to reveal motivations and the true hell in which Raquel lived during her last days. El suspense impera en esta novela negra que representa la pura maldad, una ambicion sin limites y una ausencia total de escrupulos. Raquel, la esposa de Matias, ha muerto misteriosamente, dejando atras a su marido y a su pequeno hijo, quienes intentan sobrepasar esta perdida inesperada. Matias se niega a creer que fue un suicidio como la policia propone e insiste en que la conducta de Raquel durante los dias que precedieron a su muerte no indicaba problema alguno. Al detective Enric Nasarrecuya extensa experiencia le ha ensenado a desconfiar de todo y de todoses asignado la investigacion. El caso sin causa aparente empieza a desvelar los motivos y el verdadero infierno en el que Raquel vivio durante sus ultimos dias.

Author Biography

Empar Fernández is a professor, a columnist, a screenwriter for historical documentaries, and an award-winning author. She is the author of Hijos de la derrota, Horacio en la memoria, El loco de las muñecas, Mentiras capitales, and Para que nunca amanezca and the coauthor of 30-40 l’edat amarganta; Cienfuegos, 17 agosto; and Planeta ESO.

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