Social Work in Health Settings: Practice in Context

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Edition: 3rd
Format: Nonspecific Binding
Pub. Date: 2010-02-08
Publisher(s): Routledge
List Price: $58.95

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Customer Reviews

Great Book  May 23, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

Social Work in Health Settings is a classic text for students and practitioners. It introduces social work students to a broad range of clients and provides an overview of many social work services in the health arena. This thought-provoking volume thoroughly integrates social work theory and practice, and provides an excellent opportunity for understanding particular techniques and interventions. This third edition is fully updated and includes 29 casebook chapters. The most comprehensive textbook of its kind, I highly recommend it for all.

Social Work in Health Settings: Practice in Context: 5 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


Social Work in Health Settings is a classic text for students and practitioners. It introduces social work students to a broad range of clients and provides an overview of many social work services in the health arena. This third edition is fully updated and includes 29 casebook chapters.

The most comprehensive book of its kind, Social Work in Health Settings presents a "practice in context" framework which is then applied in thirty-one casebook chapters, covering a great variety of health care settings from working with survivors of domestic violence through supporting people with HIV to services for military personnel.

Reflecting the enormous changes in policy, health care delivery, insurance systems, and the diagnosis and treatment of many conditions, this third edition features all new case chapters. Each chapter considers the impact of dimensions of context including policy, technology and organization on the client situation and then explores the key practice decisions that structure the helping relationship: the definition of the client; determining goals, objectives and contract; meeting place; use of time; strategies and interventions; stance of the social worker; use of resources outside of the social worker/client relationship; reassessment and evaluation; and transfer or termination.

This thought-provoking volume thoroughly integrates social work theory and practice, and provides an excellent opportunity for understanding particular techniques and interventions. In this era of managed care, downsizing, and moving away from hospital-based work, the approach taken in Social Work in Health Settings proves more salient than ever before.

Author Biography

Toba schwaber Kerson, D.S.W, Ph.D., is Mary Hale Chase Professor in the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research at Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Judith L. M. McCoyd, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Rutgers University School of Social Work in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

Table of Contents

List of figuresp. ix
List of tablesp. x
List of contributorsp. xi
Acknowledgmentsp. xv
Practice in context: the frameworkp. 1
Individual and Family Work
Maternal and child healthp. 27
Fetal surgery: a new setting for social work interventionp. 29
Intimate partner violence in the NICUp. 40
Social work in a perinatal AIDS programp. 50
Social work practice in an adolescent parenting programp. 61
Children and youthp. 73
Managing asthma from a social work perspective in a center for children with special health needsp. 75
Social work in the pediatric endocrinology and diabetes clinic: fighting the new epidemic of type 2 diabetes in childrenp. 85
Foster care for children with special health care needsp. 97
Social work in a pediatric hospital: managing a medically complex patientp. 108
Family-focused care of an adolescent with a burn: a multidisciplinary approachp. 119
Longing to belong: finding a sense of acceptance and community at a Special Services School Districtp. 129
Adultsp. 143
Helping a man who had been living in a ventilator assistance facility to receive a new lungp. 145
Following her lead: a measured approach to providing case management and mental health treatment to homeless adultsp. 156
Social work in a for-profit renal dialysis unitp. 167
Returning veterans, traumatic brain injury, and Veterans' Administration services: A War Related Illness and Injury Study Centerp. 179
The elderlyp. 191
The case of Junior: a study of collaboration, boundaries, and use of selfp. 193
A framework for working with people with early-stage dementia: a relationship-focused approach to counselingp. 203
Autonomy-friend or foe in the health care center: a social worker's perspectivep. 215
Geriatric social work in a community hospital: high-touch, low-tech work in a high-tech, low-touch environmentp. 225
Hospice services: the dilemmas of technology at the end of lifep. 235
Group, Program and/or Advocacy Workp. 247
We Are Not Alone: a support group for loss after diagnosis of fetal anomalyp. 249
Spina bifida and physical activity: group-centered carep. 259
Group interventions for adults with HIV/AIDS: meeting the needs of Latino patients living with HIV/AIDS at a comprehensive care center in New York Cityp. 269
Woman to Woman: a hospital-based support program for women with gynecologic cancer and their familiesp. 280
The child and parent team approach: a Philadelphia interdepartmental collaborative to provide community-based services to at-risk mothers and newbornsp. 291
The Young Women's Program: a health and wellness model to empower adolescents with physical disabilities in a hospital-based settingp. 304
The social worker on the genetic counseling team: a new role in social work oncologyp. 316
Camp Achieve: a week-long overnight camp for teens and preteens with epilepsyp. 329
YOUR Blessed Health: a faith-based, community-based participatory research project to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infectionsp. 340
Amethyst: integrating tobacco dependence services with long-term alcohol and other drug addiction treatment for homeless and low-income womenp. 351
Advocacy and compensation programs for radiation exposure claimantsp. 363
Fighting cancer in India: implementing cancer control strategies at a national levelp. 374
Indexp. 385
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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