Introduction | |
Setting the Stage for Statics | |
Using Statics to Describe the World around You | |
A Quick Mathematics Refresher | |
Working with Unit Systems and Constants | |
Your Statics Foundation: Vector Basics | |
Viewing the World through Vectors | |
Using Vectors to Better Define Direction | |
Vector Mathematics and Identities | |
Turning Multiple Vectors into a Single Vector Resultant | |
Breaking Down a Vector into Components | |
Forces and Moments as Vectors | |
Applying Concentrated Forces and External Point Loads | |
Spreading It Out: Understanding Distributed Loads | |
Finding the Centers of Objects and Regions | |
Special Occasions in the Life of a Force Vector: Moments and Couples | |
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words (Or At Least a Few Equations): Free-Body Diagrams | |
Anatomy of a Free-Body Diagram | |
The F.B.D.: Knowing What to Draw and How to Draw It | |
Simplifying a Free-Body Diagram | |
A Question of Balance: Equilibrium | |
Mr. Newton Has Entered the Building: The Basics of Equilibrium | |
Taking a Closer Look at Two-Dimensional Equilibrium: Scalar Methods | |
Getting Better Acquainted with Three-Dimensional Equilibrium: Vector Methods | |
Statics in Action | |
Working with Trusses | |
Analyzing Beams and Bending Members | |
Working with Frames and Machines | |
A Different Kind of Axial System: Cable Systems | |
Those Darn Dam Problems: Submerged Surfaces | |
Incorporating Friction into Your Applications | |
The Part of Tens | |
Ten Steps to Solving Any Statics Problem | |
Ten Tips for Surviving a Statics Exam | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |