Super Subversive Cross Stitch 50 Fresh as F*ck Designs

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2021-11-02
Publisher(s): Sasquatch Books
List Price: $16.95

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From the OG of the Subversive Cross Stitch movement (and brand of the same name) comes Super Subversive Cross Stitch. Featuring 50 easy-to-make designs—both brand-new patterns and fan favorites—stitched together with trademark wit.

Don't freak out. Don't make this about you. May your life be as amazing as you pretend it is on Facebook. What fresh hell is this? Not today, Satan.

Super Subversive Cross Stitch is here to provide crafters with the snarky inspirations they love to stitch. The book features 50 patterns—23 brand-new designs and 27 fan favorites—along with easy-to-follow instructions for the beginner and fonts and designs for adventurous crafters looking to customize their creations. It recasts a traditional, dare we say "sentimental," craft into a modern, relevant art form. It's the latest offering in the Subversive Cross Stitch brand, beloved by legions of DIYers. Less messy than graffiti, Super Subversive Cross Stitch allows crafters to adorn walls with political pith and irreverent twists on classic quotes ("I think, therefore I drink," "Let the good times be gin").

“This book reminds me that I'm not alone in being crafty and sweary all at the same time. Pass the gin.” 
—Jenny Lawson, New York Times–bestselling author of Furiously Happy, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, and Broken

"Julie is the true OG of the subversive cross-stitch movement. Modern cross-stitch design would not be what it is today without her. She is a positive and supportive force in the cross-stitch community, providing mentorship to other designers and welcoming new stitchers into the hobby. I am so excited about her new book!"
—Stephanie Rohr, author of Feminist Cross-Stitch

Author Biography

In 2003, Julie Jackson created Subversive Cross Stitch, a bedrock of the modern craft movement that pairs old-fashioned samplers with snarky sentiments. She has authored two cross stitch books: Subversive Cross Stitch: 50 F*cking Clever Designs for Your Sassy Side (powerHouse Books, 2015) and Subversive Cross Stitch: 33 Designs for Your Surly Side (Chronicle Books, 2006).

Her kits, cards, and other gift items bearing Subversive designs can be found online and in retail stores around the world. Kits, supplies, advice, and hundreds of PDF patterns can be found on her site,

Julie also created Kitty Wigs, an early contender in the online world of cat memes. Her book Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs, has been seen in People magazine, on Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, and even in the National Enquirer.

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