Supervision Setting People Up for Success

by ;
Edition: 1st
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2009-01-08
Publisher(s): Cengage Learning
List Price: $279.95

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Customer Reviews

good ideas  September 11, 2014
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

but the book is still way too long for my liking.

Supervision Setting People Up for Success: 3 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


Future and current supervisors discover the keys to reaching their full potential and inspiring those working for them to achieve their best with Cassidy/Kreitner's SUPERVISION: SETTING PEOPLE UP FOR SUCCESS. This much-anticipated text emphasizes the skills that are most important to succeed in today's new economy, including exceptional communication and training skills and extraordinary people skills. To support the book's underlying theme of setting people up for success, each chapter emphasizes the most effective strategies and techniques for becoming a highly effective supervisor. The reader gains a solid understanding of the vast responsibilities today's supervisors face and how to best approach these responsibilities, including the management of growing diverse and virtual teams. The book's clear presentation incorporates engaging interviews, intriguing case studies, and extensive real-world examples to demonstrate how supervisors can spend more time setting their people up for success and less time controlling and disciplining. A unique skills-based Supervisor's Toolkit contains checklists, communication logs, self-assessment tools, and other critical supervision resources the equip today's supervisor to achieve his or her personal best.

Table of Contents

Supervisors Are Vital to Organizational Success
Leadership and Teamwork Essentials
Planning, Goal Setting, and Achieving Results
Recruitment, Selection, and Retention
Setting Your New Hire Up for Success: Orientation
Appraising and Rewarding Performance
Training: Begin with the End in Mind
Motivation and Coaching--It's Okay to Have Some Fun!
Building a Positive, Creative, and Productive Work Environment
Communication: Around the World in 60 Seconds
Behavior in the Workplace: The Bad and the Ugly
Staffi ng: Planning, Scheduling, and Outsourcing
Legal and Ethical Challenges for Today's Supervisors
Harnessing the Power of Information Technology and the Internet
It's All About People and Self-Awareness
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.

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