Teaching Digital Natives : Partnering for Real Learning

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2010-03-29
Publisher(s): Corwin Pr
List Price: $39.95

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Customer Reviews

Very good  March 16, 2011
Rating StarRating StarRating StarRating StarRating Star

The ideas presented in this textbook help to formalize that understanding and provide insight for novice teachers or those who have not embraced partnering. I purchased this textbook as a resource for my classroom after referring to it over and over and over in a research paper for my grad class. The clear and concise treatment of topics will give you a quick and easy way to take this powerful information right into the classroom and put it to use.

Teaching Digital Natives : Partnering for Real Learning: 4 out of 5 stars based on 1 user reviews.


Teaching Digital Natives presents teachers with an intuitive yet highly innovative and research-based partnership model designed to promote student learning through the use of technology. Emphasizing more on how students learn relevant skills as they use technology to 'œget things done' and less on the mastery of technology for technology's sake, Marc Prensky calls for a division of labor and cooperation between students, teachers, and administrators so that each group can take on the roles for which they are best suited. Each chapter focuses on how to empower students to learn a cluster of 21 st century skills while providing a variety of content-area and grade-level examples. The book illustrates: How digitally literate students can specialize in content finding, analysis, and presentation via multiple media How teachers can specialize in providing questions, context, quality, rigor, and individualized attention to students How administrators can support, organize and facilitate the process while meeting curriculum and standards requirements

Table of Contents

About the Author
Introduction: Our Changing World: Technology and Global Society
What Today's Students Want
Partnering and Twenty-first Century Technology
REAL, Not Just Relevant
Motivation Through Passion
Teaching for the Future
The Road to a Pedagogy of Partnering
Partnering: a Pedagogy for the New Educational Landscape
Moving Ahead
How Partnering Works
Establishing Roles and Mutual Respect
Getting Motivated to Partner With Your Students
Moving to the Partnership Pedagogy
Seeing Your Students Differently
Setting Up Your Classroom to Facilitate Partnering
Choosing Your Partnering "Level": Basic, Directed, Advanced
Technology and Partnering: Nouns vs. Verbs
Partnering and The Required Curriculum
Taking Your First (or Next) Steps into Partnering
Think "People and Passions" rather than "Classes and Content"
Learn your students' interests and passions
Living Out the Partnering Roles
More Ideas
Always be REAL (not Just Relevant)
A New Perspective
Making Our Subjects REAL
More Ways to Make Things REAL
Always Think "Future"
Planning: Content to Questions, Questions to Skills
Using Guiding Questions
Focus on the appropriate verbs
Using Technology in Partnering
Technology is the Enabler
Technology and Equity: To Each His or Her Own
Let the Students Use All Technology
Using the Appropriate Nouns (Tools) for the Guiding Questions and Verbs
Understanding the "Nouns," or Tools
Let Your Students Create
A real, World Audience
Aim High / Raise the bar
Continuous Improvement Through Practice and Sharing
Improving Through Iteration
Improving Through Practice
Improving Through Sharing
More Ways to Help Yourself Improve
Assessment in the Partnership Pedagogy
Useful Assessment: Beyond Summative and Formative
Assessing Students' Progress
Assessing Teachers' Progress
Assessing Administrators' Progress
Assessing Parents' Progress
Assessing Schools' Progress
Assessing Our Nation's Progress, and the World's
Conclusion: The (Not Too Distant) Future of Education
What Should A New Curriculum Be?: Essential Twenty-first Century Skills
Using the Partnership Pedagogy With New Curricula
Creating Schools With Partnering In Mind
Toward a Twenty-first Century Education for All
Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.

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