Things Japanese

by ;
Edition: Reprint
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2014-03-25
Publisher(s): Tuttle Pub
List Price: $18.95

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Traditional Japanese design imbues objects with a sense of history and artistry that easily reaches across cultural boundaries. In Things Japanese: Everyday Objects of Extraordinary Beauty and Significance, author Nicholas Bornoff and photographer Michael Freeman examine over 60 traditional objects that are uniquely Japanese, deftly illustrating their beauty and significance.
  • Beautifully crafted samurai swords
  • Elegant wooden tansu chests
  • Elaborate tea ceremony implements
  • Exquisitely carved netsuke toggles
  • Fabulous silk-and-gold embroidered kimonos
Each item is described in loving detail alongside lovely full-color photographs that highlight the great artistry and craftsmanship in everyday items used by real people in traditional Japan. Things Japanese is the perfect book for Japanese antique collectors or anyone interested in Japanese art and the culture and history of Japan.

Author Biography

Nicholas Bornoff was a film critic for the Japan Times for a decade, and contributed articles about contemporary Japanese culture and society to various English-language magazines.

Michael Freeman has photographed extensively in Asia, both for magazines and for numerous books, including Japan Modern and China Home.

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