This Whispering in Our Hearts Revisited

Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2018-11-01
Publisher(s): NewSouth
List Price: $35.19

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“How is it our minds are not satisfied? What means this whispering in the bottom of our hearts?” 

Listening to the whispering in his own heart, Henry Reynolds was led into the lives of remarkable and largely forgotten white humanitarians who followed their consciences and challenged the prevailing attitudes to Indigenous people. His now-classic book The Whispering in Our Hearts, constructed an alternative history of Australia through the eyes of those who felt disquiet and disgust at the brutality of dispossession. These men and women fought for justice for Indigenous people even when doing so left them isolated and criticised by their fellow whites. 

In this new edition, Reynolds brings fresh perspectives to issues we grapple with still. This powerful book shows how much remains to be done to settle the whispering in our hearts.

Author Biography

Henry Reynolds is one of Australia’s most recognized historians and has appeared on countless radio and television programs over decades. 

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