Translating America : An Immigrant Press Visualizes American Popular Culture, 1895-1918

Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2004-04-01
Publisher(s): Harpercollins
List Price: $29.95

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Author Biography

Peter Conolly-Smith holds a Ph.D. in American studies from Yale University. He is an assistant professor of history at Union County College in New Jersey and lives in New York City

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments vii
Introduction: "Erasing the Hyphen" with Image and Word 1(24)
I. Text and Context: New York's German-American Community and Its Daily Press, from the Nineteenth Century to the Nineteen Teens
1. (German-)American Hieroglyphics: The Emergence of an Immigrant Culture and an Ethnic Stereotype
2. Competing Voices and Diasporic Imagi-Nations: The New Yorker Staats-Zeitung and the New Yorker Volkszeitung
3. A New Voice for a New Century: William Randolph Hearst's New Yorker Morgen journal
II. Divisive Issues: German America and the Transformation of the Host Society, 1910-1916
4. "Sex O'Clock in America": Engendering a Debate on Fashion, Suffrage, and Charity
5. Problem Plays, Pageant, and Parody: American and German-American Theater on the Eve of the European War
6. Audiences, Spectators, and the Limits of (In)tolerance: German America at the Movies
III. Culture and Politics: The Decline of Kultur and the Translation of German America, 1915-1920
7. Embattled Muse: German Song, Symphony, and Opera during World War I
8. Wartime Drama: Christians, Philipp, and the Decline of the German-Language Stage
9. The Translated Community
Epilogue and Coda: The Armistice and Beyond: Winners, Losers, and the Very Last Laugh 271(16)
Notes 287(102)
Bibliography 389(14)
Index 403

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