Verb-Verb Complexes in Asian Languages

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Format: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2021-04-20
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
List Price: $181.33

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Author Biography

Taro Kageyama, Professor Emeritus, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics,Peter E. Hook, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan,Prashant Pardeshi, Professor, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics

Taro Kageyama is Professor Emeritus at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, where he was Director General from 2009-2017, and a former President of the Linguistic Society of Japan. He is the author or (co-)editor of about 40 books in the fields of word formation, morphology, lexical semantics, and syntax, with special reference to Japanese and English, including Handbook of Japanese Lexicon and Word Formation (De Gruyter, 2016) and Handbook of Japanese Contrastive Linguistics (De Gruyter, 2018).

Peter E. Hook is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan. His research primarily explores the syntax, semantics, and grammaticalization of compound verbs and other grammatical phenomena in Hindi-Urdu and other Indo-Aryan languages and dialects. His publications include articles in journals such as Linguistics, Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, and South Asia Yearbook.

Prashant Pardeshi is a Professor in the Division of Linguistic Theory and Typology at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. He is interested in functional linguistic typology, comparative studies between Japanese and Indian languages, Japanese language pedagogy, and lexicography. He has published numerous articles in edited volumes and international journals such as Linguistics, Journal of Japanese Linguistics, and Acta Linguistica Asiatica.

Table of Contents

1. Introductory remarks, Taro Kageyama, Peter E. Hook, and Prashant Pardeshi
Part I: Languages of Northeast Asia
2. Between lexical verbs and auxiliaries: The architecture of Japanese verb-verb complexes, Taro Kageyama
3. Verb-verb complexes is Old and Middle Japanese, Hirofumi Aoki and Bjarke Frellesvig
4. Grammaticalization and constructionalization in Japanese lexical compound verbs, Taro Kageyama
5. Syntactic V-V compounds in Japanese, Hideki Kishimoto
6. The semantic differentiation of V-te V complexes and V-V compounds in Japanese, Yo Matsumoto
7. V-V complexes in Irabu Ryukyuan, Michinori Shimoji
8. Korean verb-verb sequences, Hyun Kyung Hwang and John Whitman
Part II: Languages of South Asia
9. Classification of complex verbs and the evolution of the compound verb in Marathi, Prashant Pardeshi
10. Development of verb-verb complexes in Indo-Aryan, Benjamin Slade
11. Births, earthquakes, meteors, and other autogenous expressions: The Hindi-Urdu compound verb and its covert semantics, Peter E. Hook
12. The matrix of verb-verb sequences in Tamil, E. Annamalai
13. Verb + verb sequences in Dravidian, Sanford Steever
14. Semantically related verb verb combinations in Tibetan and Ladakhi: 1300 years of stable transition, Bettina Zeisler
Part III: Languages of Central and Northwest Asia
15. -V complexes in Turkic languages: Interaction of lexical and delexicalized verbs, Andrej Shluinsky
16. Verb-verb complexes in Central and Eastern Turkic languages, Noriko Ohsaki and Fuyuki Ebata
17. Turkish and Uyghur V-V complexes in contrast, Yu Kuribayashi
18. V-V complexes in Avar, Hisanari Yamada
Part IV: Chinese and Thai
19. Verbal complexes in Thai, Kingkarn Thepkanjana and Satoshi Uehara
20. Verb-verb sequences in Mandarin and Hindi-Urdu: A comparison, Hsin-hsin Liang and Peter E. Hook
Index of languages
Index of subjects

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