
Format: Paperback
Pub. Date: 2015-10-01
Publisher(s): Dorothy, a publishing project
List Price: $16.00

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“With wry humor and profound sensitivity, Walsh takes what is mundane and transforms it into something otherworldly with sentences that can make your heart stop. A feat of language.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“Joanna Walsh's haunting and unforgettable stories enact a literal vertigo—the feeling that if I fall I will fall not toward the earth but into space—by probing the spaces between things. Waiting for news in a children's hospital, pondering her husband's multiple online flirtations or observing the tourists and locals at a third-world archeological site, her narrator approaches the suppressed state of panic coursing beneath things that are normally tamed by our blunted perceptions of ordinary life. Vertigo is an original and breathtaking book.” (Chris Kraus)

Author Biography

Joanna Walsh is the author of seven books, including a digital novel, Seed, which can be found at, and which has also been adapted for performance. Her writing has been widely published in anthologies and journals, including The Dalkey Archive's Best European Fiction 2015, Granta, and Salt's Best British Short Stories, 2014 and 2015. She writes criticism for The Guardian, the New Statesman, and The TLS. She is a contributing editor at 3:AM Magazine and Catapult, and she runs #readwomen, described by the New York Times as "a rallying cry for equal treatment for women writers."

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